BOA minutes 060815
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Board of Adjustment
BOA minutes 060815
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BOA agenda 060815
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Orange County Board of Adjustment\Agendas\2015
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<br />OC Board of Adjustment – 6/8/2015 Page 11 of 68 <br />Karen Barrows: This might be more for Michael. This letter from Jackie Hicks, who is Jackie? 1 <br /> 2 <br />Michael Harvey: Jackie Hicks is our telecommunications consultant. 3 <br /> 4 <br />Karen Barrows: Is her concern met with what Tom is telling us? 5 <br /> 6 <br />Michael Harvey: I would argue that the applicant should finish their presentation and we will get to Ms. Hick’s letter of 7 <br />recommendation or he may want to address it. 8 <br /> 9 <br />Tom Johnson: The standards mentioned in this letter largely equate to the ordinance regarding stealth and that is why I 10 <br />am offering it up because it addresses the consultant’s primary concerns in terms of ____ from the ordinance. There 11 <br />are other items mentioned in here that is why I went over the state statute earlier . It talks about using other types of 12 <br />facilities such as utility poles, billboards, other things such as that. Number one, those are very short, which won’t meet 13 <br />the objectives but under state law, as I pointed out, the standard under the state statute is whether or not a carrier can 14 <br />co-locate on existing towers. They are called wireless support structures. I point to the definition of a section of the 15 <br />state statute which is 153A-349.51, number 10 is the definition of wireless support structure. This is a new or existing 16 <br />structure such as a monopole, lattice tower or guide tower that is designed to support or capable of supporting wireless 17 <br />facilities so it is just feeding to a tower and it does specifically state that a utility pole is not a wireless support stru cture. 18 <br />Basically, the way the state statute views it is if your tower is available, you have to examine those but if other 19 <br />structures, utilities are not part of that analysis so that is why I disagree with what is in the consultant’s letter but the 20 <br />large part of that is stealth. I have been talking to Ms. Hicks consistently over the entire process. The main concern I 21 <br />was hearing is the stealth of the towers so that is why I decided to come back with these offers because that was the 22 <br />primary things. Again, I am going to have the engineer come up now and speak to the need, why the tower here, the 23 <br />search ring, but also comparing the existing tower and why it will not to work to meet the business design and objective 24 <br />that T-Mobile had. I think this is important for you to know and that is where this gets into, in terms of the coverage. 25 <br />This again is a map that shows the location. Lee if you could come up I would like for you to talk to what these colors 26 <br />mean, what these maps, what these three towers are and if you could ... This is Lee Kerlin; he is an RF Engineer with 27 <br />T-Mobile. He can speak to the colors on this map, what it means and what the objectives of this sign are. 28 <br /> 29 <br />Lee Kerlin: Good evening, Lee Kerlin, 1421 Bearmore Court, Raleigh, N.C. I have been sworn. I am an RF Engineer 30 <br />with T-Mobile. I am here for your questions. To point out the need for the tower in this location, what we are attempting 31 <br />to do is provide coverage on Mt. Sinai, on Erwin Road and the surrounding neighborhoods and commercial structures 32 <br />in the area. The obvious choice is in this area and that is why the search ring was put here. The candidate that we 33 <br />have identified does meet our needs. If we want to speak about the co -location opportunity of the ATC, it is my opinion 34 <br />that the available height on that does not meet the needs or objectives of the search ring and that is why we are not 35 <br />pursuing that. The difference in height, while only 15 feet on the tower itself, the ATC tower is approximately 50 -60 feet 36 <br />lower in ground elevation so we are actually talking a difference of around 70 feet in actual difference in the center line 37 <br />of the antennas and that is why the propagation is so much different between the two locations. 38 <br /> 39 <br />Samantha Cabe: Would you say that it is technically impractical to mo unt your devices on the existing American 40 <br />Tower’s tower? 41 <br /> 42 <br />Lee Kerlin: We certainly could mount antennas and radios at that site. It would not meet our objectives for this search 43 <br />ring and not provide the coverage requirement. 44 <br /> 45 <br />Samantha Cabe: It is commercially impractical; does it cost too much to mount that there? 46 <br /> 47 <br />Lee Kerlin: Not commercially impractical in that sense . Commercially impractical in the sense that the location will not 48 <br />provide the coverage we are seeking for our current customers and for future customers. 49 <br /> 50
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