BOA minutes 101016
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Board of Adjustment
BOA minutes 101016
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3/6/2018 4:55:09 PM
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BOA agenda 101016
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Approved 12/12/16 <br />OC Board of Adjustment – 10/10/16 Page 71 of 113 <br /> <br /> <br />normally have to get something in writing to the Board about what we looked at and decisions we’re going 1 <br />to make. Usually we have to do this on the fly so we tried to work it out as much as we could. It wasn't all 2 <br />that I hope for. I had hoped that we would have had the findings of fact worked out between all the 3 <br />attorneys but because more of it’s being presented tonight it just didn't work out that way. So if you don't 4 <br />mind, and I think this is going to help Andy with his thing, I'll go ahead and just explain what I’ve done here. 5 <br />So I call it a deliberation cheat sheet and just so you know that this is just something that your attorney is 6 <br />providing for you. It is not necessarily an argument for one way or the other. On the cover it explains what 7 <br />the different pages are and it's got a few notes of general rules to consider. The next page is the summary 8 <br />of evidence presented and this includes two items, 5 C and D, those come straight from the attorneys and I 9 <br />asked them, I said “Look I know that stuff put in their abstract, what did you all put in?” so this is what they 10 <br />presented. At the close of testimony by our rules the chair is supposed to read the summary of evidence 11 <br />and then give the other parties an opportunity to amend or correct that. Then the next page indicates that 12 <br />that's when we would close the hearing and enter into deliberations. I reprinted the question presented. 13 <br />That's really just a reminder what's at issue here. And then I’ve got the three questions for jurisdiction. The 14 <br />questions of standing, final determination, (inaudible). And then the next page is the findings of fact and 15 <br />conclusions of law. This is what I really hoped that it would get a page or so. The two attorney’s agreeing 16 <br />that this is what we need them to decide one way or another. Normally if you’ve got an SUP permit it would 17 <br />be that the property value increased or the property value decreased and it’s very clear. You need that 18 <br />finding of fact. Here, this is actually what I wrote: three undisputed findings of fact that I would say is the 19 <br />bare minimum that the Board would have to have. The attorney’s may have their own proposed findings of 20 <br />fact that they offer. If not the Board will have to come up with the facts that they believe are necessary in 21 <br />order to make whatever decision they have. And the last page is that decision’s the ruling and you’ve got 22 <br />three options: Either affirm, reverse, or modify. And this is some of the proposed wording for that. The 23 <br />reversal incorporates the appellant’s request for a stay and things of that nature. 24 <br /> 25 <br />Karen Barrows: Thank you for your work James Bryan. 26 <br /> 27 <br />Leann Brown: Ms. Burrows, I can answer your question now. First of all at the tail end of the last meeting 28 <br />Mr. Petesch entered into evidence certain documents that carry different exhibit numbers so we need to be 29 <br />sure that the record reflects that those numbers are not the numbers of the exhibits as he has offered them 30 <br />today, unless you use this set as opposed to that set so we're not confused. Second, with regard to the 31 <br />exhibits that have been offered we object to exhibits 10 through 21, exhibit 11 and 12 are excerpts from 32 <br />Orange County's comprehensive plan. I certainly think that the Board is entitled to review the County's 33 <br />comprehensive plan if that has relevance, which you would receive that in a different way and you should 34 <br />be able to receive that as you wish, but Mr. Owens is a treatise. I do not have an objection to you reading 35 <br />his Treatise but it is not technically an exhibit. It's not evidence. It's legal authority. The other exhibits that 36 <br />are offered are a combination of things that have been printed from the internet which have no probative 37 <br />value to any of the facts and evidence before you nor are they, in my opinion, documents that would be on 38 <br />legal authorities and so I would ask that you not consider those and exhibit 17 is instead of giving you a 39 <br />statute it's sort of a chart excerpt from the statute and while we can all make legal argument to you, and I'm 40 <br />sure we will, that again it's not an evidentiary exhibit so for the record I object to those exhibits so. And 41 <br />again I recognize that you are not working under the strict rules of evidence and a quasi-judicial setting but 42 <br />in order to preserve these objections and any subsequent proceeding I wanted to make them now. 43 <br /> 44 <br />Karen Barrows: What’s the Board feeling? We consider the objections inaudible. 45 <br /> 46 <br />Craig Benedict: Excuse me, I’m just trying to make sure that everybody can hear so please speak up to the 47 <br />microphone because the back of the room can’t hear it that well. I’ll try to adjust this without getting 48 <br />feedback. 49
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