Orange County NC Website
Approved 12/12/16 <br />OC Board of Adjustment – 10/10/16 Page 64 of 113 <br /> <br /> <br />then you’re doing bona fide farm purposes then you are exempt from all zoning regulations in the county 1 <br />and Mr. White is an expert in both education and his work and training in analyzing food system policy, 2 <br />especially with experience in Orange County specifically, so that’s the purpose of this highly relevant, 3 <br />couldn’t be more relevant, to the issue that this Board is facing tonight. And his testimony can be very 4 <br />beneficial in the Board making its determination with respect to affirming Mr. Harvey’s decision. Mr. White 5 <br />could you tell the Board about your work in this region, in this County? 6 <br /> 7 <br />Erin White: Sure. I’ve been working with the conservation trust in North Carolina on a farmland protection 8 <br />plan for the Triangle region. It’s in final draft stages now. It’s getting reviewed by all of our stakeholders. 9 <br />And the plan has studied Chatham, Orange, Durham, Wake, and Johnston Counties through GIS analysis 10 <br />expert interviews, focus groups, developing a strategy to bring a comprehensive farm land protection effort 11 <br />that could be coordinated at the regional level that draws on County level wisdom, local knowledge, local 12 <br />farm conditions and especially on each County’s existing farm land protection plans. Which is a fairly well 13 <br />organized body of knowledge about how each County approaches agricultural preservation issues. 14 <br /> 15 <br />Andy Petesch: So I would again call for Mr. White as an expert in farm system policy. 16 <br /> 17 <br />LeAnne Brown: I remove my objection and it’s your decision. 18 <br /> 19 <br />Barry Katz: We have to make a decision about whether he’s an expert? I don’t understand this. And also 20 <br />what is the relevance… are you going to get to what the relevance of all of this is? 21 <br /> 22 <br />Andy Petesch: He will testify as to Orange County state policy with respect to exact issues that are before 23 <br />this Board in terms of the role of agritourism and the activities that are planned for this farm and whether 24 <br />that would fit within the statutory definition of agritourism, which would make this exempt. 25 <br /> 26 <br />LeAnne Brown: Well, I have an additional objection which is this: If he’s going to testify about what 27 <br />agritourism means and whether this is agritourism then that evidence would be inadmissible because that’s 28 <br />the ultimate decision for this Board to decide and you’re not allowed to receive expert testimony on the 29 <br />ultimate issue for which you’re about to decide. So if that’s the purpose of his testimony that’s my additional 30 <br />objection. 31 <br /> 32 <br />Karen Barrows: What do you think James? 33 <br /> 34 <br />James Bryan: So the attorney’s make some really interesting arguments. One thing that this Board should 35 <br />keep in mind is it’s quasi-judicial. You’re not actually judged with law degrees and stuff like that so what the 36 <br />statutes allow you to do is accept a lot more evidence into the record and then at your deliberations you do 37 <br />findings of fact and you say what you relied upon and what you did not rely upon. So you might recall 38 <br />different hearings when you had a lot of people testify stuff that was irrelevant and you let them speak and 39 <br />then at deliberations you did not use that in your decision. Because of the time and because of what this 40 <br />Board has already done there’s probably a lot of testimony that you’ve already heard that might not be 41 <br />relevant to this. We went into very great detail for everybody so I would say out of the sake of fairness to let 42 <br />them introduce their evidence and if you find that afterwards it was irrelevant then do not base our decision 43 <br />on that. 44 <br /> 45 <br />Barry Katz: But we don’t have to decide whether he’s an expert for these purposes? 46 <br /> 47