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Approved 10/10/2016 <br />24 <br />that’s the driveway. Why is that important? It guarantees emergency vehicles will know where to go and 1 <br />know how to access the site. The applicant shall be required … all required NCDOT approvals and permits 2 <br />in light of the creation of the driveway… and the land disturbing activity, that’s been discussed already. 3 <br />Orange County Emergency Services shall review and issue approval for the proposed access road serving 4 <br />the tower. That’s a typical permitting requirement. Th e next recommended condition is the applicant shall 5 <br />pay all necessary development permits from the County prior to the initiation of land disturbing activity. This 6 <br />includes but is not limited to erosion control management permit, a solid waste management p ermit and a 7 <br />zoning compliance permit. And I must stipulate that these permits will be required at certain thresholds. An 8 <br />erosion control permit will be required but unless the applicant exceeds certain development thresholds as 9 <br />stipulated in the UDO a storm water permit may not be required, but it’s all part of one universal process. 10 <br />Condition 7 and 8 I think are self-explanatory. We’ve outlined the reasons and rationales, conditions 9 or 10 11 <br />are required by the UDO which is why we’ve suggested them. There h ave been 3 conditions by my count 12 <br />that have been recommended for you all to consider *inaudible* that signage be posted at the end of Old 13 <br />Oak Place addressing access management dead end as to address a concern from the Bouche’s over 14 <br />people not understanding this is a dead end road, and I believe that that’s a condition that can be met in 15 <br />discussion with DOT but, I believe that’s a reasonable condition that can be imposed. Another condition 16 <br />would be that the applicant submit a revised site plan showing a new gate location, that this new gate 17 <br />location not be located along Old Oak Place and that its location be reviewed and commented on by the 18 <br />Bouche’s in order to ensure that the gate is not visually intrusive and that sufficient landscaping be installed 19 <br />in and around the posts to shield it from view. And then the final condition that I have written is that the 20 <br />applicant shall be required to submit a copy to the County staff of a FCC license for the continued operation 21 <br />of the telecommunication tower in accordance with section 5.10.8 A1T of the UDO. So those are the 22 <br />recommended conditions. And based on these recommended conditions and the testimony this evening 23 <br />staff would like to make an affirmative finding that the use will maintain or promote the public health, safety, 24 <br />and general welfare. This is the application package, the staff abstract and staff testimony, and the 25 <br />applicant testimony this evening; we believe they have met their burden. We do recommend the Board find 26 <br />that the use will maintain or enhance the value of contiguous property; this is obviously based on the 27 <br />testimony from Graham Herring as well as the application package. The location and character of the use 28 <br />developed according to the plan submitted will be in harmony with the area which is to be located, again 29 <br />staff’s basing this on the application package, the testimony we’ve heard this evening and the site plan as 30 <br />well as the imposition of the grand total of 13 conditions that we believe address concerns about the project 31 <br />moving forward and we believe will address and ensure harmony with the area. 32 <br /> 33 <br />Henry Campen: Madam Chair, if I may make one… to one of the conditions that was added. With respect 34 <br />to the access and landscaping, I’d just ask that condition be modified just slightly to provide that the 35 <br />landscaping and mitigation of the fence be reasonably acceptable to the neighbors and to the staff. I think 36 <br />that it’s an indication to testimony that the company is willing to work with the… staff. I would just like that to 37 <br />be clear. 38 <br /> 39 <br />Michael Harvey: I have no objection; I’m just coming up with what I’ve written down. 40 <br /> 41 <br />Karen Barrows: I’m curious Michael; your staff doesn’t usually make recommendations on 5.3.2 A, B and C. 42 <br /> 43 <br />Michael Harvey: We don’t usually make recommendations prior to the public hea ring. The reason being is 44 <br />that those have to be determined based on the testimony and evidence entered into the record. As we did 45 <br />with the most recent BOA application, of course we did offer comment on an applicant’s compliance with 46 <br />these sections as a staff recommendation during a hearing. We will never provide you an advanced 47 <br />recommendation because that can be seen as trying to influence the jury as it would. 48 <br /> 49