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Approved 10/10/2016 <br />23 <br />including antennas, towers and other supporting structures, shall be made inaccessible to individuals; 1 <br />again, we’ve heard lots of testimony tonight about fences and gates so, I’m going to refer you to 2 <br />attachments 2 of this application as well as the site plan. We’ll also refer you to attachment 1, which is our 3 <br />vicinity map. Abandoned structures shall be removed within 12 months; we’ve talked about this a little bit, 4 <br />that’s why we’re recommending this become a condition of approval because it’s a requirement for all SUP 5 <br />under the current ordinance. Page 134, a determination shall be made that the facility and its equipment 6 <br />will comply with all federal, state, and local emission requirements; we’re going to refer you to the structural 7 <br />analysis provided in supplemental material as satisfying this requirement. The SUP shall include a 8 <br />condition that the electromagnetic radiation levels maintain compliance with the requirements of the FCC; 9 <br />we are recommending that the applicant has met this burden, but also recommending it become a condition 10 <br />of approval, specifically as the ordinance language say that this shall become a condition of approval. 11 <br />Warning signage on compound fence; we have verified that the site visit the required warning signs, as 12 <br />stipulated, in the sub section high voltage, no trespassing are present. Liability insurance; we have 13 <br />applicant testimony, as well as staff comment this evening. Bond Security. Applicant/Owne r shall file a 14 <br />bond with the County to assure faithful performance of terms and conditions of SUP; we’re changing that 15 <br />based on my previous testimony in response to a question by the County Attorney to an affirmative. There 16 <br />is an existing bond already on file for this project. 17 <br /> 18 <br />Samantha Cabe: So your recommendation is yes? 19 <br /> 20 <br />Michael Harvey: Yes. Because we have an existing bond. We looked at it from a driveway stand point, not 21 <br />from the tower stand point, as James asked us to. So, page 135, general findings o n whether or not the use 22 <br />will comply with section 5.3.2. 2A, 2B, and 2C. With the Board’s indulgence I’d like to review the conditions 23 <br />and then staff’s going to make a recommendation on 5.3.2 2A, 2B, and 2C… First of all, I will remind the 24 <br />Board, as detailed on page 136, we have not had any comments or evidence submitted to us in advance of 25 <br />the hearing indicating that this project does not comply with the provisions of 5.3.2 A. We also do not 26 <br />believe that the applicant has failed to meet their burden *inaud ible* there is insufficient evidence in the 27 <br />record proving that their burden has been met. With respect to compliance with the standards and 28 <br />provisions of the UDO. We have recommended several conditions and there have been conditions 29 <br />discussed here this evening, so I would like to go through those real quick. The first condition is that 30 <br />nothing associated with this approval shall be deemed as prohibiting the use of the subject parcels of farm 31 <br />or prevent the maintenance of existing utilities, with the except ion of preserving the access easement as 32 <br />noted on the approved site plan. When Mr. Bryan’s tenure with the County began we began focusing on the 33 <br />need to ensure that the SUP is limited in its scope with respect to what it’s purporting to regulate. An 34 <br />example is, if somebody chooses to engage in a farming activity, does the planting of a new row of crop 35 <br />constitute a modification of a parcel of property? The answer is it shouldn’t. So, this condition has been 36 <br />developed, and many of you have seen it on several SUP applications. Especially where there’s farm 37 <br />activity to ensure that there’s nothing associated with the application in and of itself that limits what 38 <br />otherwise prohibit the legal engagement of that activity. We also don’t want to inadvertently capture any 39 <br />alteration of the existing utility infrastructure on site as somehow creating a modification of the SUP. Duke 40 <br />power has to go out there and do something major to the utility lines that’s Duke Power’s prerogative and 41 <br />obligation to do so in order to ensu re the continued provision of service. Nothing associated with the 42 <br />approval shall be as modifying an existing telecommunication tower, other than the relocation of the 43 <br />existing driveway. This addresses a comment that I made earlier this evening, as well as , concerns from 44 <br />the neighborhood meeting about if this gives them .. to start messing with the tower itself; the answer’s no. 45 <br />So we wanted to include a provision in here that stipulated for the record that you can’t do anything to the 46 <br />tower, all you’re getting authorization to do is move the access road. Three, final the .. street address shall 47 <br />be completed by Orange County… of the issuance of any permits. Orange County has a new addressing 48 <br />ordinance, there will be a new address assigned to this property and it will be off of Old Oak Place because 49