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Approved 10/10/2016 <br />22 <br />applicant contained in attachment 2, staff testimony this evening. And we have made it an affirmative 1 <br />finding. Fences and walls; we are making an affirmative finding both in the application attachment 2 and the 2 <br />site plan show fences and walls, not only existing but proposed. The tower is structurally designed to 3 <br />support additional users; we will refer you to the supplemental information specific with the structural 4 <br />analysis reports completed and August of 2010 and April of 2014 showing that there are multiple 5 <br />opportunities for additional to be erected on the tower. To minimize the number of antenna arrays the 6 <br />County may require the use of dual mode antennas; I have made a finding of N/A, there are no antennas 7 <br />proposed as part of this application. It is objective and as t here are no antennas proposed we’ve said that 8 <br />the findings N/A in this particular case. Page 131, Structures shall be galvanized and/or painted with a rust -9 <br />preventive paint of an appropriate color to harmonize with the surroundings; we’re going to refer yo u to the 10 <br />supplemental information, original SUP application and the recorded SUP. Information’s contained within 11 <br />these documents indicating how the tower complies with the standard. The next standard, both the wireless 12 <br />telecommunications support structure and any and all accessory or associated telecommunication 13 <br />equipment and related facilities shall maximize the use of building materials, colors and textures designed 14 <br />to blend with the structure to which it may be affixed and/or to harmonize with the natura l surroundings; I’m 15 <br />going to refer you to the site plan that’s been submitted as well as the supplemental information we have 16 <br />provided you as documenting in compliance with the standard. Next, on page 132, antennas shall be flush 17 <br />mounted; again I’m going to refer you to the original SUP application file and the structural analyses 18 <br />provided. They provide detail that the antennas that are erected on the tower are flush mounted. Lighting; 19 <br />staff is recommending the finding of this provision in N/A. The tower is not going to have to be illuminated 20 <br />based on current FAA or FCC standards or guidelines, it is not legally required as part of this application 21 <br />proposal because the tower is not going to be required to be illuminated and the application site plan does 22 <br />not indicate that they’re going to installing street lighting in or around the driveway. So that’s our 23 <br />recommended finding. 24 <br /> 25 <br />James Bryan: I think that this one is 50/50. Lighting has 4 sub parts. The vast majority of them say that 26 <br />where the… So all of this is applicable. And some of them say where the feds require you to do it, you have 27 <br />to do it this way and then there are some parts where if you have lighting it’s going to have to be done this 28 <br />way. 29 <br /> 30 <br />Samantha Cabe: So I understand what you’re saying and I gu ess what… Correct me if I’m wrong, but 31 <br />because the towers already erected and we know that the feds are not requiring lighting because the 32 <br />tower’s under 200 feet, is that why you’re saying it’s not applicable? 33 <br /> 34 <br />Michael Harvey: Correct. I’m hanging my hat on Q sub section 2, if lighting is legally required or proposed 35 <br />the applicant shall provide a detailed plan for sufficient lighting that’s unobtrusive and offensive in effect as 36 <br />permissible under state and federal regulations. So, lighting is not required b ecause the tower’s under 200 37 <br />feet and it’s not proposed. And that’s my rationale for making it N/A finding. And then sub section 3; for any 38 <br />facility with lighting is required, this facility is not required to have lighting. 39 <br /> 40 <br />James Bryan: The … it’s for that and for any reason road lights are attached. So if they want to attach lights 41 <br />for their own, so their guys can look at it while they work… 42 <br /> 43 <br />Samantha Cabe: Ok. 44 <br /> 45 <br />Michael Harvey: The last standard in this case, the tower and antenna will not result in a si gnificant adverse 46 <br />impact on the view of or from any historic site, scenic road, or major view corridor; the application we’re 47 <br />currently reviewing the site plan, the property vicinity map in attachment 1 as well as we’re going to refer 48 <br />you to the original SUP application file indicating the applicants met their burden. Page 133, facilities, 49