Orange County NC Website
Town <br />of <br />~H~sj <br /> <br />:November 16; 200 <br />Mr.. Rod Visser. . <br />Interim. County Manager <br />P.O. Box 818.1 <br />Hillsborough, NC 2727$ <br />RE: Fairview Master Plan Approval and Hillsborough Motor PooUPublic Works Site <br />KaD <br />Dear N[?',.-~is5e'r; <br />0 <br />„. <br />This is a follow-up to the l'~ctober 30`~ meeeting at the proposed Fairview Pazk/t~illsborongh <br />Motor Pool ~ site between key staff and elected officials from Orange County and the Town of <br />Hillsborough. I felt having the opportunity to simullaaneously walk the "hardwoods" portion of <br />the site while discussing: each, 'or~g~~nization's .intE:rests ~. shairin ideas ~- ~ develo <br />solutions was quite helpful. -thank you for. naakin ~ this .: ~ g p possible <br />_ $ .suggestion. <br />During this meeting, the concept of ~llsborough being able #o participate with Orange County <br />in the development of shared ~.eeting space at the Link Government Services Center created an <br />opportunity to address many of the interests that were discussed during the October 30a' meeting. <br />In summary, the' following is a list of the key points that County and Town officials "roughed <br />out" while we were on the "hardwoods" site discussing this matter: ~ . <br />• .The Town. of Hillsborough would reduce the size of the land parcel it receives as part of <br />the "land. swap" with t3r~nge County, by agreeing not to build in the "hardwood" <br />section, thus.helping fuialize the Fairview Public Campus Master plan approval process. <br />' • Site linutatioi~s crea#ed~ by the loss of the use hardwoods area. and the buffering needs <br />due tb the. residences bordering this. property to the 'south limit the amount of facilities <br />the 1`own had Hoped to ~bcate ~t this property. ' Pcstbunately; the possibilifiy. of partnering <br />with Orange County for shared 'meeting space provides an opportunity to more than <br />make up for the loss of the acreage and it preserves the `hiardwoo~ds: ' <br />• Designate the property west of the fuel Pumps as `deserved for future use" to :' be <br />negotiated between Oratige County and the Town of fGill~sborough at the paint when oue <br />of the parties has a potential use that this property could accommodate. <br />1 am planning to recommend to the Town's, Board of Commissioners, at their December 11 ~' <br />meeting, .tliat~ they formally adopt the Niemotandum of Understanding for the Fairview Public <br />C~P~ Master Plan in accordance with the conditions outlined.above Mayor Stevens, <br />101 East Orange Streef - P. D. Box 429 • Hillsborough, North Carolina 27278 <br />