BOA agenda 031317
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Board of Adjustment
BOA agenda 031317
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3/6/2018 4:35:07 PM
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3/6/2018 4:26:04 PM
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BOA minutes 031317
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DRAFT <br /> <br />OC Board of Adjustment – 11/9/15 Page 6 of 156 <br /> <br />application as well as a supplemental report that should be in your materials as supplemental 1 <br />evidence item G, and he is here tonight to give his expert testimony that in his opinion the tower 2 <br />will maintain or enhance the property values. The third finding of fact the Board must consider is 3 <br />that the use will be in harmony with the area and in compliance with the development of the 4 <br />County as embodied by the Comprehensive plan. So in terms of the use being in harmony with 5 <br />the area the first main way that it’s in harmony with the area is that the subject property is zoned 6 <br />rural buffer as are the majority of properties in the search area. All of the adjacent properties are 7 <br />zoned rural buffer and therefore the proposed tower would be permited as a special use on all of 8 <br />those properties. North Carolina courts have held that the fact that a use is permitted, even with 9 <br />special conditions, in a zoning district that evidences that the use is in harmony with the area. 10 <br />That’s been held by the North Carolina Supreme Court in Mann Media vs. Randolf County, 11 <br />Woodhouse vs. Town and Nags Head. In addition to being in harmony in the area because it is 12 <br />zoned appropriately for this use, the faciltiy will further be in harmony with the area based on how 13 <br />the facility will be located on the subject property. So it will be set back approximately 1,000-feet 14 <br />from the closest public right of way, Mt. Carmel Church Road. Additionally, the property is 15 <br />currently wooded, heavily wooded. However, if that natural vegetation is ever moved for any 16 <br />reason, for timbering of the property, or a hurricane or tornado comes in and wipes it out, Telecom 17 <br />has agreed to install the Type C 40-foot wide vegetative buffer that is required for Class B special 18 <br />use towers. This is what’s required when a tower is built on a property that isn’t wooded already. 19 <br />So this is what Towercom will agree to install so that it would be in compliance with the ordinance 20 <br />in the event that that vegetation is ever removed. And that has been submitted as part of the 21 <br />application as well. 22 <br /> 23 <br />Samantha Cabe: Can I stop you one second? Is that one of the conditions that is included on the 24 <br />recommendations? 25 <br /> 26 <br />Michael Harvey: I’m assuming you’re talking about the findings of fact that came in attachment 3? 27 <br /> 28 <br />Samantha Cabe: Yes, sir. 29 <br /> 30 <br />Michael Harvey: The condition is number 2, that existing vegetation be maintained. If something 31 <br />happens to the vegetation, if it is removed for whatever reason, they’re obligated under the 32 <br />ordinance to establish a Class C buffer. Otherwise we revoke their SUP. And the ordinance 33 <br />already mandates that as a condition. 34 <br /> 35 <br />Samantha Cabe: Ok, thank you. 36 <br /> 37 <br />Barry Katz: Just to carry on with that, this is a contingent plan? But not something that goes 38 <br />intially, and this vegetation buffer has to be maintained, right? 39 <br /> 40 <br />Laura Goode: Correct. 41 <br /> 42 <br />8
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