Orange County NC Website
DRAFT <br /> <br />OC Board of Adjustment – 11/9/15 Page 38 of 156 <br /> <br /> 1 <br />Laura Goode: Did you evaluate Mellot candidate for whether it would meet the network objective 2 <br />for Verizon Wireless with this site? 3 <br /> 4 <br />David Haughney: Yes, absolutely, I did. 5 <br /> 6 <br />Laura Goode: And I’m showing you what was introduced as Exhibit 11 to the application. Did you 7 <br />create Exhibit 11, the Mellot candidate analysis? 8 <br /> 9 <br />David Haughney: Yes. 10 <br /> 11 <br />Laura Goode: Ok. And is this a true and accurate copy of what you created? 12 <br /> 13 <br />David Haughney: Yes it is. 14 <br /> 15 <br />Laura Goode: Ok. Can you explain the analysis you did for the Mellot candidate? As to whether it 16 <br />would meet the network objective for Verizon? 17 <br /> 18 <br />David Haughney: Yes, absolutely. One of the primary objectives as stated is to improve that dead 19 <br />zone on Mt. Carmel Church Road between about the Orange County line and North towards 15-20 <br />501 it goes into Chapel Hill. That whole road is a dead zone. You’re either going to have no 21 <br />service or very poor, and unreliable service. And that being the primary objective, filling in the 22 <br />coverage hole, in my analysis of Mellot candidate I was not seeing any coverage get over there 23 <br />when I ran it through my prediction inaudible and I had digged deeper into the reasons why; why 24 <br />do we have a simulated a 200-foot structure at this location and it’s not reaching distance away to 25 <br />the road that it should and identify the terrain of structure. There’s basically a 200-foot terrain 26 <br />increase a short distance away from the proposed location and the location sits at the bottom of a 27 <br />200-foot hill and we’re only proposed a 200-foot tower. So these radio signals we’re using do not 28 <br />penetrate through earth. In addition to the 200-foot terrain obstruction there’s another 100-foot of 29 <br />dense foliage, average height. And the radio signals we’re using don’t penetrate through dense 30 <br />foliage very well either. So an optimal location has to take in consideration of the terrain in the 31 <br />area to meet the objective. And this did not. Because of that obstructure. It will not reach Mt. 32 <br />Carmel Church Road. 33 <br /> 34 <br />Laura Goode: Now turning to the proposed Clearwater Lake site; were there any alternatives 35 <br />technologies available that would provide the needed increase coverage in capacity offload in the 36 <br />Clearwater Lake area without the proposed 195 foot tower? 37 <br /> 38 <br />David Haughney: No, this is a very optimal design for this area. 39 <br /> 40 <br />40