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DRAFT <br /> <br />OC Board of Adjustment – 11/9/15 Page 8 of 156 <br /> <br />County emergency staff and the sheriff have reviewed our plan and have indicated that they can 1 <br />serve this facility adequately. The third SUP standard is that there be vehicular access and 2 <br />address traffic conditions. There will be an improved access to the site that Towercom 3 <br />understands they’re under the obligation to maintain throughout the duration of the SUP. 4 <br />Additionally, there will be no increase in traffic after construction. Construction ususally is about 45 5 <br />days. After that we anticipate on average one employee per month will come out to do routine 6 <br />maintenance and make sure that everything is working appropriately at the facility. 7 <br /> 8 <br />Karen Barrows: Let me ask you, Chuck Edwards the DOT person put in his report that they need 9 <br />a driveway permit. Is that part of what we’re going to get? Because I didn’t see it. 10 <br /> 11 <br />Laura Goode: So a driveway permit, I don’t believe, is a requirement for the SUP but it will be 12 <br />something that we will have to get before we can construct the tower. 13 <br /> 14 <br />Karen Barrows: Do you have it? 15 <br /> 16 <br />Michael Harvey: On page 163, condition 8 per section 5.10.8 B4J in section 2.5 of the UDO the 17 <br />applicant shall obtain all necessary development permits from the County prior to the initiation of 18 <br />and land disturbing activity associated with the construction of the telecommunication facilities 19 <br />including, but not limited to: Building permit, Erosion Control permit, Solid Waste Management 20 <br />permit, Zoning compliance permit. The Zoning Compliance permit requires the DOT signify that 21 <br />they’ve issued any and all permits that are necessary to allow the project to move forward. That’s 22 <br />part of the UDO as it currently exists. 23 <br /> 24 <br />Karen Barrows: The only other thing I noticed, Michael, was on page 165. John Kase said that he 25 <br />needs a permit and some money to look into residence at 1801 Mt. Carmel Road. I didn’t know if 26 <br />that had been addressed. 27 <br /> 28 <br />Michael: On page 165, this is in Attachment 4, the memo we got for Environmental Health. 29 <br />Environmental Health has reviewed the site plan for this particular project and there are no 30 <br />proposed septic systems. There’s an existing septic system and well that serves the residence 31 <br />1811 Mt. Carmel Church Road but it is approximately 600 feet, the proposed tower should not 32 <br />impacted by the project. Additionally, a residence exists at 1801 Mt. Carmel Road according to the 33 <br />Orange County JS records but it could not be located pertaining to a well or septic system on the 34 <br />property. The site plan for the proposed project shows that there is a wide access and utility right 35 <br />of way to access the tower site. There will need to be an exisiting permit application for 1801 to 36 <br />ensure that the site impact, that that’s handled at the Zoning Compliance Permit stage. 37 <br /> 38 <br />Laura Goode: So that is how we meet each of those 3 SUP standards. Now, there have been 39 <br />concerns about the proposed facility that have been brought to Towercom’s attention and I want 40 <br />to briefly address a few of those concerns. One concern that was raised was access to the 41 <br />proposed facility as I stated. There will be an improved access road that will be improved by 42 <br />Towercom. Towercom recognizes that it has an ongoing obligation to maintain that access road 43 <br />throughout the duration of this facility. In addition, Towercom recognizes that it needs to have 44 <br />10