Orange County NC Website
Michael Harvey: On page 125, visual impact assessment; again, I made the determination it’s not required 1 <br />based on the wording of the UDO. The next section, demonstration that the wireless support structure is 2 <br />sites so as to have the least visual intrusive effect reasonably possible; we’re referring you back to the 3 <br />original SUP application file and recorded SUP, as well as the vicinity map attachment 1, and the applicant 4 <br />modification attachment 2 in support that the wireless support structure so as to have the least visually 5 <br />intrusive effect reasonably possible. A statement prepared by a professional engineer licensed by the state 6 <br />of North Carolina certifying the tower’s in compliance with applicable standards as set forth by state 7 <br />building code. This is a requirement that shows up 3 times in the UDO, so forgive me for being repetitive 8 <br />but, as we’ve already stipulated too, the structural analysis reports contained, on pages 241 thru 341, that 9 <br />required information and signifying that it complies with state building code. Proposed telecommunications 10 <br />equipment planned cannot be accommodated on an existing wireless support structure; our finding is an 11 <br />affirmative based on the original SUP application file and recorded SUP permit, this is in the supplemental 12 <br />information we’ve provided. BOA have already determined that this tower needed to be erected to address 13 <br />the concerns associated with the original application and that finding has already been made; there’s 14 <br />nothing being done by the modification changing that finding. Location of wireless support structures; again, 15 <br />we’ve made an affirmative finding based on the original SUP application and the recorded SUP that’s in 16 <br />your supplemental material. Fall back zones; same, we’re referring back to the original SUP and the 17 <br />recorded SUP. We’re also referring you to the site plan that’s submitted that shows the fall zones indicated 18 <br />with tower compliance. Page 127, access; site plan shows the proposed new access road. We also have to 19 <br />applicant’s testimony this evening and attachment 2 of the application listing out their rationale for having to 20 <br />move the driveway from Landau to Old Oak Place. Any questions on that? 21 <br /> 22 <br />Barry Katz: Are you ok with that? 23 <br /> 24 <br />James Bryan: It’s recommending yes but I think that this is the issue… If I may, the Board might want to 25 <br />take a look, there are 4 sub-sections for access. I don’t know if the Board has really considered those but, 26 <br />it’s up to the Boards discretion. 27 <br /> 28 <br />Michael Harvey: The 4 sub-sections that Mr. Bryan’s referring to is in a wireless telecommunication support 29 <br />structure site and access road, turn around space, and parking shall be provided to assure adequate 30 <br />emergency and service access; it’s my testimony that site plan provides a level of detail showing the 31 <br />driveway location, showing the compound as it currently exists and showing where vehicles will be able to 32 <br />park, stay, turn around and then leave the site. Maximum use of existing roads where the public or private 33 <br />shall be made to the extent practical and they are doing that. They’re making use of an existing publicly 34 <br />maintained roadway, Old Oak Place, to get access to the tower. Road construction shall, at all times, 35 <br />minimize ground disturbance, and the cutting of vegetation. That’s actually a requirement of the Orange 36 <br />County .. permitting process. Roadways shall closely follow natural contours to ensure minimal visual 37 <br />disturbance and reduce soil erosion. My statement is, when you review the site plan the proposed drive 38 <br />location is an area of the property that’s relatively flat near an adjacent utility lines, they will not require cut 39 <br />field grade or massive alteration to the existing property… Any questions before I ramble? Page 128, 40 <br />landscape and buffers- Type C land use buffer; I’m referring you to the application submitted and the site 41 <br />plan and the vicinity map show the existing vegetation and it’s also shown on sheet C-1a… We’re back 42 <br />again to the visibility of balloon shall not constitute sole justification of denial; N/A as no balloon was flown. 43 <br />And I’ll defer to James but, when you read this particular section, it reads as follows: The visibility of the 44 <br />balloon to adjacent properties and the surrounding area shall not constitute sole justification of denial of a 45 <br />permit application but, is an indication of what location on site may be less visually intrusive. My point being 46 <br />is that this provision is telling you just because somebody saw the balloon is not justification to deny a 47 <br />permit application. To me, there is some question whether or not it’s even a finding that has to be made, it’s 48 <br />just a directive and I defer to James on that. I put N/A for the reason stated. 49 <br />22