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constructed and it’s operating under current FCC guidelines and standards. 1 <br /> 2 <br />James Bryan: And just to be clear I would say that that needs a yes or no as to whether it was provided. 3 <br /> 4 <br />Samantha Cabe: Was that one of the provisions that wasn’t in place at the time of the original application? 5 <br />Because if they’re actually functioning I would presume they can only do so with an FCC license. 6 <br /> 7 <br />Michael Harvey: Correct. And again, to go to James’ point I’ll refer you the structural analysis and 8 <br />supplemental material as evidence as proof that they are currently operating in compliance and in 9 <br />accordance with the adopted FCC standards. Which is what those reports testify to as well as to stay 10 <br />building code. 11 <br /> 12 <br />James Bryan: Just to be clear, that’s not the standard. The standard is a submittal of the copy of the 13 <br />license. And also, with anything whether it’s a daycare and you have the standards and it doesn’t meet the 14 <br />standards, if it doesn’t meet the standards then you could be a condition to meet the standard, you’re 15 <br />allowed to do that. So a condition can be to provide a copy of your license. 16 <br /> 17 <br />Henry Campen: I’m just curious, I have to ask the question of the council whether *inaudible* with Crown, 18 <br />would you have prefer Crown re-file the entire application of ’96. Update it if necessary and re-file the whole 19 <br />thing for the tower as well as the new access road. Is that what you’re suggesting? I think I’m 20 <br />misunderstanding. 21 <br /> 22 <br />James Bryan: Yeah, I think a modification request for a SUP, I think you would have to look at it use by use 23 <br />because each use has different submittal standards. A telecom tower has the most submittal requirements 24 <br />so it’s far different from a daycare. But, for any use you would have to look at all the submittal requirements 25 <br />and say, “Yes, here’s a copy of our old one. Here’s a statement that I’m re-affirming it and if there’s 26 <br />anything that’s changed in the last 20 years, either in the UDO’s requirements or in our use, here’s the 27 <br />updates for it.” I think that’s how our UDO reads. 28 <br /> 29 <br />Henry Campen: Just for record, we’ve been working with Mr. Harvey for some months on this and his 30 <br />advice was not to that effect. The first we heard about this interpretation of your ordinance was Friday 31 <br />afternoon… Just for the record. 32 <br /> 33 <br />Samantha Cabe: I have a quick question, this question might be bests answered by Mr. Parker. How 34 <br />difficult would it be to get a copy of your FCC license and a copy of the building plan that is supposedly 35 <br />required by the FCC anyway? Would that be difficult to get? 36 <br /> 37 <br />Paul Parker: I would not think so. I think that you guys already have it on record. 38 <br /> 39 <br />Michael Harvey: It’s not in any file I saw. But I will, again, I’m going to testify as I did a few minutes ago that 40 <br />in order to get the building permit they had to submit the copy. But, I think that James has provided you a 41 <br />solution which is, and we’ll get to that as a recommended condition, that they produce the required license 42 <br />per section of the UDO. 43 <br /> 44 <br />Samantha Cabe: And I wrote that down. I guess my question was how big of a hurdle is this and if they’ve 45 <br />already provided it with their submission to Orange County in the form of a submission to the permitting 46 <br />department rather than the BOA suffice for the providing a copy of? 47 <br /> 48 <br />Henry Campen: We’d be happy to provide that as a condition to the… 49 <br />19