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1 <br />Michael Harvey: The geotechnical report was not a requirement in 1996. What I will state is, obviously, a 2 <br />building permit was issued to authorize for the tower to be erected. We have the original recorded SUP 3 <br />indicating that the project was in compliance with the ordinances as it existed at that time. We have 2 4 <br />structural analysis’ contained on pages 200 to 341, indicating that the tower’s compliant with applicable 5 <br />State building codes. So we offer that into evidence to make it an affirmative finding in this answer. 6 <br /> 7 <br />Page 112; existing cell sites (latitude, longitude, power levels) to which this proposed site will be a handoff 8 <br />candidate. We’ve also again made the same recommendation, however, to address Mr. Bryan’s concern 9 <br />according to the original permit findings of fact in this case, pages 205 to 240, *inaudible* that information’s 10 <br />not changed to our knowledge so that is the closest tower of an existing cell site to which this is a proposed 11 <br />candidate for handoff. So, if you make it an affirmative finding there’s information contained on pages 205 12 <br />thru 240 of the supplemental material that will get you the ability to make an affirmative finding. Propagation 13 <br />studies; page 113, staff has recommended that finding provision is not applicable; the State no longer 14 <br />allows us to require propagation studies. The ordinance is going to have to be amended to remove that so 15 <br />we’re comfortable making the recommendation we have based on current guidelines and State law. It 16 <br />cannot be irrational to deny a telecommunication tower permit so we were reviewing this 17 <br />telecommunication tower permit today, some of you might remember with Curly Road- the applicant wasn’t 18 <br />required to submit propagation studies, for the reasons that I’ve already testified to. Page 114; the search 19 <br />ring utilized to find the proposed site. We are making reference back to the original SUP application as well 20 <br />as the recorded SUP. The original application demonstrated the need for the telecommunication tower in 21 <br />this area and the Board after holding the required public hearing made the determination that they could 22 <br />issue the permit, indicating it was necessary. I’ll just stipulate again, as nothing associated with the 23 <br />relocation of this access driveway alters the operational parameters of the approved and constructed tower, 24 <br />this information is still viable. The number type, height, and model of the proposed antennas. I’m going to 25 <br />refer you all to the supplemental material, especially the structural analysis to provide a breakdown of the 26 <br />antennas that are on the tower. Page 115; the make, model and manufacturer of the tower. That’s also 27 <br />contained in the SUP application and the SUP itself that is recorded. The frequency, modulation and class 28 <br />of service of radio or other transmitting equipment. I’m going to refer you to the entire supplemental 29 <br />package. Specifically, the structural analysis reports that provide that information on pages 323 thru 341. 30 <br />And questions before I move on? Page 116; the maximum transmission power capability of all radios, as 31 <br />designed, if the applicant is a cellular facility. Again, I’m going to refer you to the supplemental material. 32 <br />Specific to pages 323 thru 341. This also goes for the actual antenna transmission and the maximum 33 <br />effective radiated power of the antenna. Also contained in the structural reports we have provided to you. 34 <br />Directions of maximum lobes and associated radiation of the antenna. Again, that’s also provided in the 35 <br />structural analysis reports. Certification that the NIER levels at the proposed site are within the threshold 36 <br />level adopted by the FCC. We’re indicating a finding amount applicable for the reason stated. Having said 37 <br />that, if you look at the structural analysis reports contained in the supplemental package material you will 38 <br />find that the project’s been found to comply with FCC standards. If the Board chooses to make it an 39 <br />affirmative finding then you would make it consistent with the structural analysis information that’s been 40 <br />entered into the record, indicating the project complies with applicable FCC standards. Page 118; 41 <br />certification that the proposed antennas will not cause interference with other telecommunications devices. 42 <br />As no antennas are proposed we are providing you the structural analysis and the supplemental 43 <br />information is proof that there’s space left on the tower to handle additional antenna. A written affidavit 44 <br />stating why the proposed site is necessary for their communications service. There’s application 2 of the 45 <br />current application that indicates why the driveway needs to be moved and we’re also going to refer you 46 <br />back to the original SUP as to why the tower should’ve been built in the first place. A copy of the FCC 47 <br />license applicable for the intended use of the facility as well as a copy of the 5 and 10 year building out plan 48 <br />required by the FCC. We’re recommending that that’s not applicable because the tower’s already 49 <br />18