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construction for maybe 60 days. We’re pushing for 30, and so after that you’re talking about a regular 1 <br />Dodge pick-up truck. 2 <br /> 3 <br />Barry Katz: It’s the construction time and whether or not that is going to deteriorate the quality of life for the 4 <br />people who live on Old Oak Place, because of the further deterioration of that road and, if there was such 5 <br />deterioration, whether that can be mitigated. 6 <br /> 7 <br />Paul Parker: Yes; that can be mitigated. We would be prepared to take care of any damage done to that 8 <br />road during this construction. 9 <br /> 10 <br />Barry Katz: So this may be the time where this was mentioned, I guess that’s page 55, where there was 11 <br />some general concern about the condition of the neighborhood road and the staff answered they were 12 <br />going to ask the DOT if they would look at this and if they would ask the applicant to post a construction 13 <br />dock to cover potential impacts to the roadways associated with construction, as part of this. My 14 <br />understanding is this is not an obligation but, this is something that was a request. Have you considered 15 <br />this request and had you have a decision about that? 16 <br /> 17 <br />Paul Parker: We’ve considered the request and we’ve not had any dollar amount, as far as what kind of 18 <br />bond to put up or who to put the bond with, but we are prepared to maintain the current integrity of the road. 19 <br /> 20 <br />Barry Katz: Is there a historic standard for how this is dealt with/addressed? Do you know? 21 <br /> 22 <br />James Bryan: I believe that there is a current bond on this project, of at least $75,000. It’s my 23 <br />understanding… Typically the … will say if it’s tied to a… If that changes the bond needs to be re-issued 24 <br />so, if it needs to be re-issued perhaps it needs to be re-issued with a higher value. 25 <br /> 26 <br />Samantha Cabe: Mr. Bryan, I have a question for you… The bond that would be applicable to any damage 27 <br />to the road- would that amount be determined by the DOT or since it’s a state maintained road that would 28 <br />be subject to being damaged? Do you know? 29 <br /> 30 <br />James Bryan: That is a very interesting dilemma. This Board can only put on conditions that says it’s 31 <br />required in order to meet these standards. 32 <br /> 33 <br />Samantha Cabe: I wasn’t suggesting that we make that a condition, I’m just asking if that’s a question for 34 <br />the North Carolina DOT whether or not to require bond since this is a state maintained road? 35 <br /> 36 <br />James Bryan: Could be… It depends. I’m not sure about a clear answer. Just because the road 37 <br />deteriorates and you say, “Ok, now we’ve got a bond for a million dollars. DOT here’s a million dollars, you 38 <br />can’t tell the state to fix any road.”. They may be happy to take the money but they’re not obligated to fix 39 <br />that particular road. 40 <br /> 41 <br />Barry Katz: I thought this bond covered the cost of repairing the road to the conditions that existed previous 42 <br />to the construction, and that the money was somehow tied. There’s no tying, is there? 43 <br /> 44 <br />James Bryan: I believe that the current bond is for the current parcel, not for adjacent parcels. 45 <br /> 46 <br />Barry Katz: Alright, just to be clear about it… Regardless of the intention of Crown, there’s no way to tie 47 <br />Crown to responsibility to maintain the road at the quality at which it was at beginning of construction? 48 <br /> 49 <br />10