BOA agenda 110915
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Board of Adjustment
BOA agenda 110915
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Last modified
3/6/2018 4:06:02 PM
Creation date
3/6/2018 3:58:06 PM
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BOA minutes 110915
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Orange County Board of Adjustment\Minutes\2015
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Staff should hasten to add this is not a County regulation or initiative and is not <br />something we have the legal authority to change, interpret, or modify. Any action to do <br />so will need to occur with the NC General Assembly and concerns need to be directed to <br />the appropriate State elected officials. <br />2. Attachment 4 contains staff's evaluation of the proposals compliance with the various <br />standards detailed within these sections. <br />While no major concerns have been expressed, staff is recommending the imposition <br />specific conditions of approval to ensure the project's compliance with the provisions of <br />the UDO in the event the Board determines the application can be approved. <br />3. As detailed within Attachment 5 staff has determined the application is consistent with <br />established submittal requirements and there is sufficient documentation demonstrating <br />compliance with established development standards. <br />As you are aware staff does not make a formal recommendation on the approval of the <br />application or on the applicant's compliance with the general standards detailed within <br />Section 5.3.2 (a) (2), specifically: <br />(1) The use will maintain or promote the public health, safety and general welfare, <br />if located where proposed and developed and operated according to the plan <br />as submitted; <br />(2) The use will maintain or enhance the value of contiguous property (unless the <br />use is a public necessity, in which case the use need not maintain or enhance <br />the value of contiguous property); and <br />(3) The location and character of the use, if developed according to the plan <br />submitted, will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and the <br />use is in compliance with the plan for the physical development of the County <br />as embodied in these regulations or in the Comprehensive Plan, or portion <br />thereof, adopted by the Board of County Commissioners, <br />4. There are several goals /policies detailed within the adopted 2030 Comprehensive Plan <br />addressing the development of camp /retreat centers in the County including: <br />a. Land Use Goal 1: Fiscally and environmentally responsible, sustainable growth, <br />consistent with the provision of adequate services and facilities and a high quality <br />of life. <br />b. Land Use Goal 2: Land uses that are appropriate to on -site environmental <br />conditions and features, and that protect natural resources, cultural resources, and <br />community character. <br />c. Land Use Goal 3: A variety of land uses that are coordinated within a program <br />and pattern that limits sprawl, preserves community and rural character, minimizes <br />land use conflicts, supported by an efficient and balanced transportation system. <br />5. Staff has received numerous comments from local property owners expressing concerns <br />over the project including: <br />a. Several local residents have challenged the validity of the property being a farm <br />and have expressed concern that due to its status as same the applicant is being <br />allowed to go through the SUP process. <br />
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