Orange County NC Website
DRAFT -5- <br />Bob Hornik: Just west of the County .... <br />Tammy Purner: South. Which will hopefully be gone.. <br />Bob Hornik: Where are the railroad tracks in relation to the property? <br />Tammy Purner: To the right of that end north and goes along the border of the picture. <br />Bob Hornik: How about 1 -40? <br />Tammy Purner: Just on the other side of that. <br />Bob Hornik: We now have Cecil Griffin. <br />Cecil Griffin: I have been sworn in. I have lived in the area since 1962 and according to my <br />recollection there is only one resident within a mile of me who has been in the area longer than I <br />have. There are a couple of residents, especially here, that have been here as long as I have <br />but not in the general area. I bought my original plot in 1978, moved into my house in 1980. <br />We originally wanted the plot that I now own and was not able to buy it but I was able to <br />purchase this 10 or 15 years ago and I often wondered what would happen to it. I wanted it to <br />stay in the family because I didn't buy the property just to make money off someone else buying <br />it. When my son -in -law and daughter decided to build a kennel, I said that sounds good to me <br />because that is a way I can make some needed income to supplement my Social Security. I <br />like the idea they are taking into consideration keeping it as isolated as possible for my <br />neighbors because we don't need to make anything more difficult for our neighbors. We have <br />enough traffic as it is. We are doing everything necessary to have minimal impact on the <br />neighbors but give us the opportunity to have a growing, thriving business that my grandsons <br />can work. <br />Bob Hornik: Next, we have Chad Abbott who will provide more detail about the plan, site and <br />property. <br />Chad Abbott: I have been sworn. We were asked to assist in this application to provide them <br />with a site plan and service for stormwater, sewer, and just site plan issues. I have a <br />presentation. <br />Michael Harvey: We are going to refer this as Petitioner's Exhibit 2; Exhibit 1 was the <br />memorandum at your desk. <br />Chad Abbott: Everything in the presentation should be pretty clear, just some of the contrast in <br />the pictures is a little different on the screen. <br />Larry Wright: What is Exhibit 2? <br />Michael Harvey: The PowerPoint presentation handout. <br />Chad Abbott: The property is located on Millhouse Road. There is approximately 15 acres <br />associated with the project but it is glass holed with another section in the rear which is another <br />property to the east, and the road will be extended to the rear. As you see, the yellow line is <br />going off the left side of the exhibit almost like a connection to this property. This is a picture <br />from the wintertime so it commonly has evergreens, pines, cedars and down in the bottom, <br />there is substantial park woods. The land does perk. A while back we had a problem with the <br />land being perked but this has been approved for a septic permit with a repair area so <br />everything is in line for a project to be successful on this property. I have outlined the adjacent <br />OC Board of Adjustment — 5/14/2012 Page 5 of 41 <br />