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DRAFT -30- <br />1526 <br />1527 ARTICLE 2.7.3 - APPLICATION COMPONENTS ( "Yes" indicates compliance; "No" indicates non - compliance) <br />1528 <br />Planning Staff <br />Recommending EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Board of Adjustment <br />FINDINGS Findings: TO SUPPORT FINDINGS Findings: <br />Ordinance Requirements <br />2.7.3 (A) Application submitted x Yes No A complete application on x Yes No <br />on forms providing full and appropriate forms (Attachment <br />accurate description of 1) has been submitted. <br />proposed use, including <br />location, appearance and <br />529 <br />operational characteristics. <br />2.7.3 (B) (1) A full and accurate <br />x Yes No <br />A complete application <br />x Yes No <br />description of the proposed use <br />narrative containing the <br />required information <br />(Attachment 1) has been <br />submitted. <br />2.7.3 (B) (2) The name(s) and <br />x Yes No <br />The application , and site plan <br />x Yes No <br />addressed of the owners of the <br />(Attachment 1) contain the <br />property involved. <br />required information <br />2.7.3 (B) (3) Relevant <br />x Yes No <br />Attachment 1 (narrative and <br />x Yes No <br />information needed to show <br />site plan) contains relevant <br />compliance with the general and <br />information <br />specific standards governing the <br />special use. <br />Attachment 3 contains staff <br />reports denoting the approval <br />of the proposal <br />2.7.3 (B) (4) - Ten (10) copies of <br />x Yes No <br />Ten (10) copies of the site <br />x Yes No <br />the site plan prepared by a <br />plan, prepared by Summit <br />registered land surveyor, <br />Engineers were submitted <br />architect, or engineer. <br />2.7.3 (B) (5) - preliminary <br />_ Not Applicable <br />The project does not involve a <br />_ Not Applicable <br />subdivision plat <br />preliminary subdivision. As a <br />result a preliminary plat is not <br />required <br />2.7.3 (B) (6) — a list of all <br />x Yes No <br />The application package <br />x Yes No <br />property owners within 500 feet <br />contains the required <br />information <br />2.7.3 (B) (7) — elevations of the <br />x Yes No <br />The application package <br />x Yes No <br />proposed structure <br />contains the required <br />information <br />2.7.3 (B) (8) Ten (10) copies of <br />_ Not applicable <br />An EIS statement is not <br />_ Not Applicable <br />the Environmental Assessment <br />required by the Orange County <br />and /or Environmental Impact <br />Environmental Impact <br />Statement, if required, by the <br />Ordinance as the proposed <br />Orange County Environmental <br />amount of disturbance is under <br />Impact Ordinance. <br />the minimum amount <br />necessary to warrant an EIS <br />statement <br />OC Board of Adjustment — 5/14/2012 Page 30 of 41 <br />