BOA agenda 111212
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Board of Adjustment
BOA agenda 111212
Entry Properties
Last modified
3/6/2018 3:23:05 PM
Creation date
3/6/2018 3:11:00 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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DRAFT -26- <br />.338 David Blankfard: We have this low lying pond, would that material decaying in that pond affect <br />.339 Mr. Kirschner's water quality? <br />.340 <br />.341 Chad Abbott: As it exists now, any time leaves gather there or trees fall there, they take up <br />.342 nitrogen as they grow and turn back into soil and release nitrogen back into whatever they are <br />.343 in. If they are in water, they will elevate the level of nitrogen in this pond. That process could <br />.344 cause problems but the quality of the water and I know he doesn't like the fact, the quality of the <br />.345 water coming from this site will be held to what the EPA has mandated to Orange County and <br />346 the state through the NPDES permit and you have to adhere to those and if you don't you get <br />.347 fined. I can't be there to make sure everything works when it rains but if a problem occurs, the <br />.348 same as anybody else, you get fined. You are supposed to have design controls in place. <br />.349 Once it gathers in that low lying area that he says is part of his pond, we can't control what <br />.350 happens when it gathers there, it sits and could turn back into whatever, I can't control that. <br />.351 <br />.352 Cecil Griffin: The vast majority of the water coming through there comes off county property not <br />.353 ours. We have no control of the quality of water coming off county property. <br />.354 <br />.355 Bob Hornik: I don't want to belabor the point. We have been here three hours and heard all the <br />.356 testimony. The application seeks approval of a lower density than some of the other uses, that <br />357 this property could be an innovated environmental proposal, solar panel, cisterns, as given in <br />.358 the name Green View Lodge, one of the ideas was to try to be ecology environmentally <br />359 conscious in the way the property is used and the way the facility will be operated. You have <br />360 heard Mr. Abbott, Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Stewart provide their expert testimony on the various <br />361 design issues, noise issues, and property value issues. The evidence shows to the Board that <br />362 we comply with the specific standards for the proposed kennel use. We comply with the general <br />363 standards of the UDO for the type of development we propose for the property. We understand <br />364 the neighbors are not happy with some aspects of the proposal. What they have offered is <br />365 speculation and fears about what might occur if the property is allowed to develop as proposed <br />366 by my clients. I think this Board knows that speculation, fears, concerns, isn't enough to rise to <br />367 the level of component evidence to support denial of the application. There have been a few <br />368 questions about water quality, drainage issues, and stormwater issues. In order to get our <br />369 permits, after the SUP is approved we still have to comply with requirements of Erosion and Soil <br />370 Control, we have to meet all the stormwater standards for the site. There are still more review <br />371 and codes that have to be met before we build and operate a site. When it is all said and done, <br />372 1 suggest to the board that the board can and should make the findings required by the zoning <br />373 ordinance. Testimony for the board is the use will. maintain the value of contiguous property. <br />374 Testimony characterizes the use promotes the public health, safety and welfare and that the use <br />375 is in harmony with the area and consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for Orange County and <br />376 for the rural buffer district. We ask the board to approve the special use permit. I know that Mr. <br />377 Harvey has prepared some proposed conditions attached to it. My clients are not opposed to <br />378 any of those conditions. We have also expressed that a condition voluntarily that we put some <br />379 kind of berm along the boundary line behind the dog play area to muffle some of the sound that <br />380 might be generated along that direction. For all those reasons, I ask the board to act tonight to <br />381 approve the application. <br />382 <br />383 Dawn Brezina: Does this complete the testimony for tonight? <br />384 <br />385 Michael Harvey: I have a few housekeeping items. As we do with every special use permit, <br />386 staff provides you with the necessary script. This allows staff to provide you locations and <br />387 evidence on standards we feel we can respond to and obviously giving you the heads up on <br />388 what you, as the Board, will have to do. We always recommend conditions in case you approve <br />389 a project. <br />390 <br />391 <br />OC Board of Adjustment — 5/14/2012 Page 26 of 41 <br />
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