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DRAFT -23- <br />1179 boundaries of the easement which we cannot do on the county's property because we had <br />1180 shown from the driveway which is typical. <br />1181 <br />1182 Mark Micol: Specifically about Bruin? <br />1183 <br />1184 Chad Abbott: They have not asked us to use Bruin Trail. <br />1185 <br />1186 Mark Micol: What about the utility of entry on the access road and exit on Bruin? <br />1187 <br />1188 Chad Abbott: This easement.on Bruin Trail is an easement; it is not part of this property. It is <br />1189 another easement to another property so we have not even looked at it but it is not a safe <br />1190 condition as opposed to this easement on this property. <br />1191 <br />1192 Mark Micol: In terms of safety, the visibility could be out on Bruin Trail, good to the left and not <br />1193 good to the right. Is that correct? <br />1194 <br />1195 Chad Abbott: It is inside of a horizontal curve so if you are looking across the shoulder either <br />1196 way. That is not ideal. It is easier to keep your traffic out in front of you. This is the'best <br />1197 location without getting into the septic area ... like you said this is bigger than what it shows <br />1198 there. It is just the best location. <br />1199 <br />1200 Bob Hornik: From a safety perspective, in designing this, the location on the south where we <br />1201 are showing it, is better than the Bruin Trail location? <br />1202 <br />1203 Chad Abbott: Yes. You can obtain longer sight distance from the location. <br />1204 <br />1205 Tammy Purner: I go in and out of Bruin Trail every day because if I go to my right people come <br />1206 flying around that curve and they always cut the curve to the center so I have to really watch it <br />1207 so I can't see if they are coming so usually I turn the radio down and try to listen to see if there <br />1208 is a car. If the headlights are there I can see those. If I turn left and go north then I am really <br />1209 taking my life in my hands because I have to get going really fast out of my driveway and turn <br />1210 left so neither direction is adequate but I'm used to doing it and I do it several times a day. 1 <br />1211 would not recommend a lot of people coming in and out of that driveway, it is not safe. <br />1212 <br />1213 Bob Hornik: Chad, what is the expected trip generation for this facility? <br />1214 <br />1215 Chad Abbott: There is no exact kennel defined in the IGE generation map for a land use so 1 <br />1216 took a veterinarian facility with the same number of units, so a veterinarian facility would have <br />1217 90 units and applied it or it might have been based on square footage but it is a comparable and <br />1218 it was around 80 or 90 trips per day. Again, it is not a classification for kennels but that is what <br />1219 tripped.... <br />1220 <br />1221 Larry Wright: There was how many? <br />1222 <br />1223 Chad Abbott: 80 to 90 per day. <br />1224 <br />1225 Larry Wright: In DOT, it averages 16 trips per day that is in and out. <br />1226 <br />1227 Chad Abbott: That is total trips. 45 in and 45 out. <br />1228 <br />1229 Larry Wright: And it is 16 for a three bedroom house. <br />1230 <br />OC Board of Adjustment — 5/14/2012 Page 23 of 41 <br />