BOA agenda 111212
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Orange County Board of Adjustment
BOA agenda 111212
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Last modified
3/6/2018 3:23:05 PM
Creation date
3/6/2018 3:11:00 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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DRAFT -16- <br />805 things from a great distance more loudly than you do over the afternoon? That has to do with <br />806 atmospheric conditions. It will cause you to hear these distant things sometimes. <br />807 <br />808 Mark Micol: In your expert opinion, based on the distances from the road, which is 500 feet, 1 <br />809 believe, will the cars turning on the road be louder than a barking dog? <br />810 <br />811 Noral Stewart: If you are standing close to the car, yes. If you are standing on the shoulder of <br />812 the road, the cars on the road will be louder than the dogs. I don't have the sound level for a 35 <br />813 mph car. I know that at 55 mph the sound that a car makes is about the same as a large dog, in <br />814 terms of maximum level. If you are 100 or 400 feet from the car or 400 feet from the dog, when <br />815 the car goes by, the maximum level is about the same as the level of the barking. We know <br />816 there is about a four or five dB decrease for each 10 mph so 35 would be 10 dB lower but you <br />817 also have to take into consideration the distance but if you are close to the car, it will be louder <br />818 than the dog. <br />819 <br />820 Bob Hornik: The sound of a car driving past someone on Millhouse Road right beside the road <br />821 would be louder than the sound of the dog in a kennel 400 or 500 feet away? <br />822 <br />823 Noral Stewart: Certainly if they are close to the road. That road is only 35 mph so I can't make <br />824 a claim that 400 feet from that road, the car is the same as th6 dog 400 feet away because the <br />825 car is going slower than 55 mph. If you did have traffic of 55 mph individual cars, maximum <br />826 level would be about the same as a maximum level as a car. <br />827 <br />828 Dawn Brezina: Any further discussion or questions? Could we label this last piece of paper <br />829 Exhibit 3... Mrs. Schenley's paper? <br />830 <br />831 Michael Harvey: If no one has any questions, it is up to the Chair to excuse the experts. <br />832 <br />833 Dawn Brezina: Does anyone else think they may have any questions? <br />834 <br />835 Cornelius Kirschner: I have been sworn in.. I have prepared a short blurb and sent it to Mr. <br />836 Harvey and apparently he has given it to you but subsequently I received some test results back <br />837 on my pond, Millhouse Pond, and I would like to submit that as part of my blurb so I have these <br />838 here if you want to hand them out. <br />839 <br />840 Michael Harvey: We will call this Exhibit 5 and Mr. Kirschner's statement Exhibit 4. <br />841 <br />842 Cornelius Kirschner: Before I begin, I have to say I am impressed with all the work and <br />843 professionalism everyone has displayed here. It is amazing how large this project is how much <br />844 already has been put into it. I have lived at the Millhouse on Millhouse Road since 1972. On <br />845 March 11, Tammy showed me the architectural plans for the proposed kennel located on the <br />846 beginning slope of Blackwood Mountain above my home. My home is located directly on <br />847 Millhouse Pond. On March 15, 1 sent them a three page outline of my grave reservations about <br />848 the project. My concerns centered around the road access to the proposed kennel, traffic <br />849 generated by this business, immediate and long- term erosion control, water quality, both ground <br />850 and surface. Tammy and Drew suggested that we meet with their civil engineer, Chad Abbott, <br />851 on March 29 to address my written reply. Regretfully, the meeting did not leave me with any of <br />852 my concerns. They were unwilling to change any part of their plans to address the issues 1 <br />853 raised. Every point I was met with the standard response, all facets of the proposed kennel <br />854 meet code. Furthermore, when I addressed the issue of the new road for the proposed kennel, <br />855 they refused to entertain the motion to use the existing private road, Bruin Way, which leads <br />856 directly to the proposed kennel. Tammy's father was a partner and owns the private road; <br />857 consequently, I am here this evening to bring these concerns directly to you. New road access; <br />858 the Purner's have chosen to exercise their right to build this new access road on an easement <br />OC Board of Adjustment — 5/14/2012 Page 16 of 41 <br />
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