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DRAFT —12— <br />589 <br />590 Michael Harvey: The appraisal is actually part of Attachment 1 in your packet beginning on <br />591 page 25. <br />592 <br />593 Mike Wheeler: I have been sworn in. I came out of construction management in 1991 and went <br />594 into the appraisal business full time as an associate broker for a national franchise. In 1998, 1 <br />595 decided to get into the appraisal side of the business and after two grueling years as a trainee, 1 <br />596 applied for and received my certificate with the North Carolina Appraisal Board. In 2000 1 <br />597 started my company 'The Real Estate Shop' and have been running it on a full time basis ever <br />598 since. <br />599 <br />600 Bob Hornik: You prepared an Impact Analysis in respect to the Green Beagle Lodge <br />601 application? <br />602 <br />603 Mike Wheeler: That is correct. <br />604 <br />605 Bob Hornik: Did you arrive at a conclusion as to whether the project, if built and developed as <br />606 operated as proposed will enhance or maintain the value of contiguous properties? <br />607 <br />608 Mike Wheeler: Yes. I would like to direct your attention to page 3 of the report, the last <br />609 sentence in the last paragraph in bold print: "Thus the surrounding properties and the <br />610 general neighborhood vicinity near the proposed Kennel project should maintain their <br />611 current market values, and over time, their respective appreciation levels." <br />612 <br />613 Bob Hornik: What did you base your analysis on? <br />614 <br />615 Mike Wheeler: I found two model facilities to use and then I examined the real estate sales <br />616 surrounding those two facilities over the past 10 years. One that I used was Sunny Acres Pet <br />617 Resort located in Orange County but has a Durham mailing address. I examined the residential <br />618 real estate sales to the east, to the west and to the south of that facility. There was nothing to <br />619 examine to the north because that is owned by the Eno River State Parks. The results of that <br />620 investigation showed that property values over the past 10 years have appreciated at the rate of <br />621 2.04 %. Please keep in mind this includes four years of recession. Our multiple listing services <br />622 has Orange County divided into sections not squares. These boundaries are normally county <br />623 lines and state highways. The section I used to examine the Sunny Acres Pet Resort properties <br />624 is identified at Section 214 which is a pretty large section. The overall properties for this entire <br />625 section over that same 10 years appreciated at a rate of 2.64% which is right in line with those <br />626 properties that are in a closer proximity to Sunny Acres. The next facility I used was Hampton <br />627 Point which is not a kennel. It is located at the intersection of Interstate 85 and Highway 86. <br />628 This is where the Wal -Mart is located and the Home Depot. Hampton Point was developed <br />629 after the majority of the sections surrounding that area had been developed. Property values <br />630 within the closed proximity to Hampton Point over the past 10 years have appreciated at a rate <br />631 of 2.43 %. Going back to our multiple listing sections, it is identified as Section 213. It is a much <br />632 smaller section than 214 but that entire section appreciated over. the past 10 years at a rate of <br />633 .86 %, not even one percent so those properties that are located within the closest proximity to <br />634 Hampton Point appreciated at a better rate than those who are in a further proximity. <br />635 <br />636 Bob Hornik: Based on your investigation and analysis, is the conclusion that the Green Beagle <br />637 Lodge, if developed as proposed, will retain the value of contiguous properties, the properties <br />638 immediately surrounding the site. <br />639 <br />640 Mike Wheeler: Yes it is. <br />641 <br />642 Bob Hornik: No further questions. <br />OC Board of Adjustment — 5/14/2012 Page 12 of 41 <br />