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DRAFT -10- <br />481 there is erosion and scouring that takes place as it exists now. I would say the pond may help <br />482 that situation to allow some of the stuff to settle out. We will use standard erosion control <br />483 practices to maintain the dirt on our site. When the construction is going on, and this is a low <br />484 density project which is about 15% impervious if you look at the total site acreage which is less <br />485 than 24% and we discussed it with the county stormwater and Terry Hackett said it would be <br />486 fine as far as our plans for treatment. There is a system that will catch water that will help <br />487 reduce the water from the well issues and use some of the rain water to wash down some of the <br />488 kennels and play areas. Then there are the traffic and driveway issues. This road is a bad road <br />489 all together from an engineering standpoint. You can look at the picture on the bottom right and <br />490 it is hard to pull out on any point on that road without being in a dangerous situation. We feel <br />491 that the access at the easement location is the most optimal point to maintain. As an engineer, 1 <br />492 am supposed to maintain the public health, safety, and welfare and the point we have chosen to <br />493 access this property is the best point. It is located on the outer radius of a horizontal turn. In <br />494 traffic terms that curve is a horizontal curve so when you pull up to it from the driveway, you will <br />495 be able to see all the way to the curve which isn't optimal but it is the best situation at this site <br />496 without moving further. If you try to move the driveway this way, when you get into this <br />497 horizontal curve, on the inner radius of it, you have to look behind your shoulder and by the time <br />498 you turn back and check this one, there could be someone coming the other way. This location <br />499 is the most optimal location. <br />500 <br />501 David Blankfard: Looking to the right, is that the picture on the top? <br />502 <br />503 Chad Abbott: Yes sir. There you also have a vertical curve and this is as far south as you can <br />504 go on the property without going off the property but at the same time you would not want to be <br />505 closer anyway because of that car stopping on that hill. <br />506 <br />507 David Blankfard: What is the site distance between where you are exiting and the hill? <br />508 <br />509 Chad Abbott: The distance is shown on the plan to be about 250 -300 feet to the crest of that <br />510 hill. That is about the best we can get there but we would like to optimize the distance coming <br />511 from the other way because that is the immediate adjacent lane of impact if something were to <br />512 happen coming around here. <br />513 <br />514 Larry Wright: Is this subject to DOT approval? <br />515 <br />516 Chad Abbott: Yes. I have corresponded with DOT. Anytime you have a commercial operation <br />517 they would like for the site distances to be 500 feet. We might get close to 500 feet looking <br />518 back that way (due north) and we discussed that with them and they are in concurrence that you <br />519 can only deal with what you have got so we have responded. You can't be denied access to <br />520 your property; you have to explain what parameters you can meet and why you can't meet the <br />521 ones you can't. <br />522 <br />523 Bob Hornik: The top right hand photo is from the approximate location of the driveway looking <br />524 southbound on Millhouse. The bottom right hand corner is from just south of the driveway <br />525 location looking northbound on Millhouse and the photo on the bottom left is looking eastbound <br />526 down the proposed driveway across the street (Mr. Kirshner's house). <br />527 <br />528 Chad Abbott: The view of the lower left photo is not the view which someone would be coming <br />529 towards that drive. That was the view to show the screen and the pipe area and the location of <br />530 the adjacent property because the drive is coming at a skew so it is not pointing perpendicular <br />531 to the road like my camera was. I would also like to point out with respect to the site distance at <br />532 the top of the hill that the traffic coming from that location is also coming from a four way stop <br />533 and going through a tight curve, almost a 90 degree turn before you top that hill so you won't be <br />534 traveling quite as fast. That is just the exhibit we had shown shows the angle of the driveway <br />OC Board of Adjustment — 5/14/2012 Page 10 of 41 <br />