Orange County NC Website
Orange County Library Long-Range Facility Planning <br />Orange County Library currently operates an outreach service to preschools and retirement <br />facilities in the county.. Large areas, particularly in the northern county, are not served by <br />accessible facilities or outreach services. This study did not identify any particular areas that <br />required services, but the Planning Department has identified in its land use plan "rural <br />community activity nodes" whirh could provide a logical location fox future cybraries, These <br />nodes are defined as "land focused on designated road intersections which serves as a nodal <br />crossroads for the surrounding rural conununity and is an appropriate location for any of the <br />following uses: church, fire station, small post offrce, school, or other similar institutional <br />uses and one or more commercial uses.." <br />a Tlrat the Clrapel Hill Public Library be recognized as a sigrrifrcant partner irr the <br />provision of library services to the Corruty. <br />^ Tl:at allacatiarr of Carurty, firnds fo the Clrapel Hill ,C.ibrary reflect the role of drat <br />Library in providing county services. <br />^ That a study be urrdertakerr to determine the feasibility of joint canrputer operations <br />of the Orange County Library Systeu: tvitli the Clrapel Hill Frrblic Library. <br />The Chapel Hill Public Library has for many years bean a mainstay of library services in <br />Orange County and has offered services free of charge to Orange County citizens who reside <br />beyond the town limits. In return, Orange County has provided an annual appropriation to the <br />Town for the operation of the library. This appropriation currently is $250,000. In light of the <br />Town's plan to expand the library and its recognition in the planning that the library will <br />continue to serve a substantial number of residents beyond the town limits, it is important <br />that the County maintain and consider expanding its operational support. <br />The computer networking of alI of the libraries in the County would improve access to' all <br />resources and bring a greater sense among county residents that one's local library is part of a <br />larger whole. Ideally, the Chapel Hill Public Library would be included in this network. The <br />complexities and costs associated with combining the systems may not be feasible, however, <br />and require detailed study by uz expert in the field. <br />0(~0 <br />19 <br />