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al~ <br />Orange County Library Long-Range Fneiliry Planning <br />unlikely that space requirements will be substantially reduced by the electronic formats.: <br />Space-will still be required for the preservation of original valuable documents and materials <br />not easily digitized. <br />o That tke Ormrge County Public Library cornbir:e the collections, staff, and services <br />presently located at McDougle Middle Sclrool acrd the Century Center, arrd establislc <br />one branch library facility to serve tlce Toivrc of Carrboro, western rurincorporated <br />areas of tlce Chapel Hill Township, mrrl the sorrtltern area of Bingham Township. Xt is <br />estimated that given tlce current 20 year population projections, a newly constructed <br />,facility of ZS,000 square, feet wotttd be ueerled. <br />Residents of Carrboro have for many ,years depended on the Chapel Hill Public Library for <br />library service and have been seeking a more accessible public library facility. To respond to <br />these requests, the Orange County Public Library first opened a branch in the media center at <br />McDougle Middle School. More recently, with support from the Town of Carrboro, it has <br />added a Cybrary downtown to complement hours and services at the school. <br />Although the present facilities are innovative approaches to addressing critical needs for <br />library services, access and resources are limited. The public library at the Middle School <br />operates only during the hours school is not in session. The opening of the Cybrary is an <br />attempt to increase access and extend hours available, but staffing, collections, and services <br />are very limited. <br />The Carrboro Library Wozkgroup has recently recommended that astand-alone branch <br />library of 6,000-8,000 square feet replace these two facilities.. As the Orange County Library <br />Task Force reviewed this situation with the consultant, it agreed that the need for service <br />extends beyond the town limits of Carrboro and determined that the design population for a <br />new facility should include the broader region of Southwest Orange County and discussed its <br />potential role as a regional branch library similar to those in Walce County. <br />As with the central library, the consultant developed a set of basic requirements for the <br />branch using the proposed design population (including 20-year projections for the broader <br />Southwest Orange population) and identified potential functions to be accommodated in the <br />facility. Appendix A itemizes these requirements and functions. Appendix F calculates the <br />proposed size of the facility based on the set of requirements and functions. The resulting <br />optimal size for a newly constructed facility is 25,000 square feet. <br />Alternatives to constructing a facility of this size immediately include the following: <br />M Leasing a smaller facility and moving to larger facilities as needs indicate <br />^ Constructing a smaller facility but locating it on a site which has space for an <br />expanded facility <br />^ T/tat the Orar:ge County Public Library establislc a brmcclz library to serve Cheeks <br />Township, its size dependent on the tinrirrg of the openirsg of the library and srrbsegrrent <br />changes in population projections for tl:e to~vrrsliip. l't is estimated that, given the <br />current 20 year population projections, a newly constructed facility of Y0,000 square <br />17 <br />