Orange County NC Website
~~ <br />Orange C:aunty Library Lang-Range Facility Planning <br />not been enlarged irr aver 2D years, despite tl:e groivtlr irr popudation daring the same <br />periarT <br />Orange~County's current central library facility was opened in 1981; since that time the <br />population exclusive of the Town of Chapel Hill has grown 59°/a from 45,017 to 71,429 in <br />2000, with na expansion of the library.. Even in 1981, the facility did not meet the standard <br />for an adequately sized central library. <br />Looking forward over the next 20 years, the total population of the county is projected to <br />grow to approximately 170,000, with an estimated 65,400 of this population residing in the <br />town of Chapel Hill. This will bring the service population of the Orange County Public <br />Library system to mare than 100,000. <br />!"Ihnrt~f2• Pnm~lntinn Prniertinn~_ 2000-2025 (Linear Analysis) <br />Townshi /Munici alit 2000 2010 2020 2025 <br />BINGHAM 6,181 7,295 8,408 9,000 <br />CEDAR. GROVE 4,930 5,812 6,694 7,150 <br />CHAPEL HILL 79,274 93,625 107,976 115,350 <br />Town of Carrboro 16,782 21,415 26,047 28,400 <br />Town of Chapel Hill 46,798 54,178 61,558 65,400 <br />Unincorporated 15,694 1$,033 20,371 21,550 <br />CHEEKS 7,064 8,186 9,307 9,900 <br />EI`~TO 6,092 6,913 7,734 8,150 <br />HILLSBOROUGH 11,639 13,159 14,679 15,450 <br />Town of Hillsborough 5,446 6,660 7,873 8,500 <br />Unincorporated 6,193 6,500 6,806 6,950 <br />LITTLE RIVER 3,047 3;824 4,601 5,000 <br />TOTAL COUNTY 118,227 138,814 159 399 170,000 <br />Source: Orange County Planning Department (ZUZS figures extrapoiatea aycansunanr rrom rota altu two Nlujt:cuulla~ <br />Other demographic trends of particular note for Orange County library planning include the <br />growth f gures by age and the growth of the Hispanic population. The population of the <br />county is aging, with the highest percentage growth figures occurring in the 45-59 age range <br />(baby boomers). This population in 2000 represented 17,6% of the total population, up from <br />11,9% in 1990. The juvenile population from 5-14 also is growing faster than the overall <br />average, as is the population over 75~ <br />Ian 2000, fine Hispanic population represented 4.5% of the total population, up from less than <br />one percent in 19$0. In 2000, 12.3°/a of Carrbaro's population was Hispanic. The "Shaping <br />Orange County's Future" study projected that the Hispanic population will increase to 9% of <br />the total population by 20:30. The Asian population likewise is growing; in 2000, it <br />represented 4.1% of the total population. <br />o Tlie residerrfs afYlte corer:ty depend heavily orr the Chapel Hill Public Library to <br />srrpplenrerrt the resources of the Orange Cararty Library for their Library needs. Tlie <br />10 <br />