Agenda - 12-12-2006-9e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-12-2006
Agenda - 12-12-2006-9e
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i~ <br />Orange County Library Long-Range Facility Planning <br />Orange County archival repository and determine resources that would be housed in such a <br />repository. <br />Findings <br />The 2001 Task Farce identified inequities in service in the various areas of the county and <br />noted that the funding level from the County was significantly below the state average. It <br />endorsed minimum standards for public library service and recommended policies to guide <br />library development. Specific recommendations included the following: <br />^ That the operational funding for Orange County public libraries be increased to <br />the state average level of funding by 2004 <br />^ That new library projects be initiated simultaneously in the northern and southern <br />parts of the Caunty and be viewed as complementing rather than competing <br />^ That the Boards of the Hyconeechee Regional Library and Chapel Hill Public <br />Library meet at least annually and explore areas of cooperation <br />^ That an Orange County Heritage Center be built to house historic and public <br />records <br />Since 2001, operational funding has increased but it still lags behind the state average, as <br />noted below. A branch library has been opened in Cedar Grove and a cybrary in Carrboro. <br />Members ofboth the Hyconeechee and Chapel Hill Library Boards are active members of the <br />current Task Force. An Archival Taslt Force has been formed to pursue the establishment of <br />the Heritage Center. <br />Although there leas been progress, this study has found that significant inequities persist and <br />funding remains a challenge. Specific findings are as follows: <br />a Tlie popttlatiorr of the cauzty as a fvlioCe values edrrcatiou and is supportive of library <br />services, brct is carrfirsed by the crrrre~rt systeu- of Library govern:artee and firrtdirrg <br />respo~rsibi[ities. <br />This theme was reiterated a number of times in the planning meetings held with Task Force <br />members and library staff.. <br />Residents of Orange County are served by three library systems: the Hyconeechee Regional <br />Library, the Chapel Hill Public Library, and to a minimal degree, the Central North Carolina <br />Regional Library, which operates the Mebane Public Library serving both Alamance and <br />Orange County residents of Mebane. As a result, library service planning for the county as a <br />whole has been fragmented, there is great disparity in the level of services provided, and the <br />public does not have a clear understanding of library goveznance and funding <br />responsibilities.. <br />The Orange County Library system is part of the Hyconeechee Regional Library system, <br />which serves Orange, Caswell and Person Counties, As such, residents of Orange Caunty <br />have free access to the services in Caswell and Person Counties. The system receives funding <br />from the County, the State, and a small appropriation from the Town of Carrboro. <br />7 <br />
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