Orange County NC Website
J~ <br />Cfrange County Library Long-Range Facility Planning <br />Executive Summaary <br />Irr January, 2004, the Orange County Board of Commissioners appointed a Library Services <br />Task Force to review the recommendations aprevious task force had submitted to the County <br />in 2001 regarding library services and to "subsequently make recommendations to improve <br />library services and facilities specifically related to the expansion ofthe Central Library in <br />Hillsborough and the branch library in Carrboro." Specific areas of interest were the potential <br />for co-location of a new central facility with the Orange County campus of Durham <br />Technical Community College (DTCC) and combining the operations of Carrboro's <br />McDougle Branch Library and Cybrary into one branch library facility.. <br />The Task Farce began its work in May and contracted with library consultant Dale Gaddis in <br />July to assist with needs assessment and development of recommendations. <br />It became very evident from the outset of the work of the Taslt Force that the <br />recommendations for the central library and the Carrboro facility needed to be part of a larger <br />vision for the county as a whole. As a result, the recommendations being presented are more <br />comprehensive in scope than originally requested, Details are submitted only for the areas of <br />priority identified in the charge from the Board of County Commissioners; however, if the <br />County is to be successful in addressing these areas, it is important for the County and library <br />administration to recognize and address the broader planning issues,. <br />Srrnurrnry of Significant Findings <br />^ The population of~the county as a whole values education and is supportive of library <br />services, but it is confused by the current system of library governance and funding <br />responsibilities. <br />^ The development of library services for Orange County residents has been <br />fragmented at best, resulting in great disparity in the level of library services provided <br />throughout the county. <br />^ The facilities and resources of the Orange County Public Library system are <br />significantly below the standard required to provide effective public library services. <br />Library staff has been creative and resourceful in "malting do" with very limited <br />resources,. <br />^ The population is growing at a high rate, with signif cant growth in the number of <br />older residents arzd residents moving here from other countries, The central library <br />has not been enlarged in over 20 years, despite the growth in population during the <br />same period. <br />^ The residents of the county depend heavily on the Chapel HiII Public Library to <br />supplement the resources of the Orange County Library for their library needs, The <br />presence of this library, operated by a separate jurisdiction, affects the planning of <br />countywide library services. <br />3 <br />