Agenda - 12-12-2006-9c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-12-2006
Agenda - 12-12-2006-9c
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DR:.AFT MINUTES 4 ~; <br />1 Craig Benedict said that this plan is in two phases. The first phase is the master plan on <br />2 jurisdictional issues. Phase two would be the different planning areas around Hillsborough and <br />3 what would be the exact use. . <br />4 <br />5 Summary <br />6 - ,Stay Within Water Constraints <br />7 - . Define a Firm Service Area/Annexation Line ' <br />8 - Minimize Residential Growth to the North <br />9 - Adjust Land Use Plans <br />10 - Execute Interlocal Agreement <br />11 <br />12 <br />13 Commissioner Gordon asked if the Planning Board has looked at this and Craig Benedict <br />14 said yes, that at every meeting of the Planning Board, there are reports on the various advisory <br />15 boards. <br />16 Commissioner Carey asked some clarifying .questions about the map with interlocal <br />17 agreement recommendations and Craig Benedict answered. <br />18 Judith Wegner asked about the characteristics of the land (could not hear her). Craig <br />19 Benedict repeated her question: What is the rationale for the urban service line within which <br />20 occurs the likelihood of public water and sewer and are there characteristics of the central Orange <br />21 rural buffer that would lead it not to be serviced by public water and sewer? He said that the <br />22 urban service line is all that could be serviced by existing public water supplies that Hillsborough <br />23 has at this point. There are a lot.of critical watershed. areas along the western portion -Upper <br />24 Eno, Seven Mile Creek -and there are a lot of holdings of environmental lands to the south. <br />25 These areas have less development potential and would be of lower density. <br />26 Renee Price-Saunders asked about the possibility of increasing the capacity from 3 million <br />27 gallons a day to 4.5 million gallons a day. Margaret Hauth said that the Town owns additional <br />28 land around the existing West Fork reservoir, and if the spillway is raised, along with other <br />29 improvements, the capacity can be increased. This is a capital expense that the Town has <br />30 planned for. <br />31 Commissioner Gordon asked clarifying questions about the urbanizing areas and Craig <br />32 Benedict answered. In general, the areas that will be developed first are the ones closer in to the <br />33 urban area. <br />34 Michelle Kempinski asked for clarification on what is coming back to the Planning Board. <br />35 Craig Benedict said that tonight's item is the booklet with statistics, etc. and boundary lines. What <br />36 will not be part of the determining factor in the next couple of months is land uses in the area. He <br />37 said that the areas noted as Hillsborough Urbanizing and Orange County Urbanizing are also <br />38 potential areas for transfer of development rights (TDR). <br />39 Several other clarifying questions were asked by the Planning Board members and <br />40 answered by Craig Benedict. <br />41 Commissioner Gordon made reference to phase 1 and 2 and said that she did not see <br />42 anything about phases in the rrraterials. Craig Benedict said that the abstract has a disclaimer <br />43 that it is packaged less any specific land uses within the area. Phase 1 will be.the boundaries of <br />44 the different jurisdictions and who has planning authority over each one. <br />45 Commissioner Gordon verified with Craig Benedict that the approval for this meeting is <br />46 only conceptual approval of the boundaries. She would like the Planning Board to mull this over <br />47 in a thorough way. <br />48 <br />49 Public Comment <br />50 Chris Borst said that some of these boundary lines need tweaking, especially on the north <br />51 side. <br />
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