Agenda - 12-12-2006-9c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-12-2006
Agenda - 12-12-2006-9c
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9/1/2008 9:24:32 PM
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8/29/2008 9:57:30 AM
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- 5a -outside Orange County Urbanizing and inside Water and Sewer Management, <br />Planning and Boundary Agreement (WSMPBA) boundaries as Town of <br />Hillsborough Long Term Interest Area; <br />- 5b -area southeast of Town outside Orange County Urbanizing and inside <br />WSMPBA served with Town water, but annexation not proposed; and <br />- 5c -areas to east and west in Lower Eno and Upper Eno Watersheds, <br />respectively outside WSMPBA primary service areas. <br />• Minor changes -County presently responsible for day-to-day administration. <br />• Town has basic courtesy review in area. <br />• No annexation possible. <br />Comments were-received from the Board of Commissioners, Planning Board, and public at the <br />November 20 Quarterly Public Hearing, especially as it relates to the content of Phase One <br />versus Phase Two issues. Draft minutes of the hearing are included as Attachment 1. A <br />response by the consultant, Clarion, is included as Attachment 2. <br />The Planning Board discussed Phase One of the Strategic Growth Plan at their meeting on <br />December 6, 2006 and adopted the following (see also meeting notes, Attachment 3): <br />Motion: Judith Wegner made a motion containing the following steps: <br />1. Recommend in concept, Phase One; <br />2. That we specifically go on record that we have not had the opportunity to view the details <br />to where any lines on the illustrative map might finally be situated nor have citizens in the <br />areas really had an opportunity to look at that fully so that we want the record to show <br />that we are not buying into the details of the map at this point to be binding on us or <br />anybody else in the future; <br />3. That we understand that In Phase Two there would be extensive outreach to people in <br />those communities with ample opportunities informally and formally to ask questions and <br />find out more about densities or other factors, about how this might in fact be <br />implemented and direct that the Planning staff bring back to us specifics on how this <br />might be done effectively; and <br />4. Finally, that the details of the conversation and questions and comments from the Board <br />be submitted along with this motion to the Board of Commissioners. <br />Second: Craufurd Goodwin <br />Vote: UNANIMOUS <br />If the above Phase One jurisdictional recommendations are approved, then <br />A Phase Two Implementation Program will be presented at a future quarterly public <br />hearing, perhaps as early as February 26, 2007. Key features to include: <br />• Specific land use and density recommendations for areas 3, 4, and 5 (see page 13) - <br />NOTE: this will include formal and legal public notification; <br />• Interlocal Agreement between the Town of Hillsborough and Orange County; <br />• Modified Water and Sewer Management, Planning and Boundary Agreement; and <br />• ETJ amendment. <br />
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