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BOARD OF HEALTH 3 NOVEMBER 21, 1996 <br /> <br /> 5.3 Board of Commissioners Goals <br /> Mr. Reimer informed the Board that since the Healthy Carolinians Task Force has only completed the identification of <br />the top eleven priorities, it would be appropriate to continue last years goal of “Develop a Consumer Involvement <br />Mechanism for Human Services Program Planning” as a top priority goal this year. The task force has not yet selected <br />which of the top eleven priorities to pursue or which strategies to employ. When it does, it would be appropriate to ask the <br />Board of Commissioners to support those strategies that are appropriate for the Health Department to pursue. <br /> <br />Board members discussed the Healthy Carolinians Task Force goal; the smoking control rules as a goal and the possibility <br />of engaging in a strategic planning process which would define the role of the health department in providing clinical <br />services as another goal. Following discussions of the proposed goals, Dr. Klein motioned to adopt the Healthy <br />Carolinians Task Force goal and forward it to the Commissioners. Dr. Foster motioned that the Board support <br />the top priorities that are to be set by the Healthy Carolinians Task Force and they will become the Board’s primary <br />agenda for the year. Dr. Klein accepted the friendly amendment. The motion was seconded by Dr. Cammerata and <br />was passed unanimously. <br /> <br /> 5.4 Annual Reports, 1995-96 <br /> The Board received the annual reports for the previous fiscal year. The Chair would like for Board members to review <br />and study the materials and have further exploration of the annual reports at the January meeting in conjunction with key <br />outcomes and performance measures as well as the preliminary plans for the next fiscal year. Dr. Gordon would like for the <br />divisions to use the same format and show what kinds of performance outcomes they anticipate for this year. <br /> <br /> 5.5 Report of Activities- Daniel B. Reimer <br /> Employee Committee <br /> Mr. Reimer, Pam Jones, Purchasing Director, and some employee committee members met with Nathan Milian, Carr <br />Mill Mall Manager to survey and discuss issues raised by the committee. The Health Department will arrange for DEHNR <br />Industrial Hygienist, Will Service, to test the air handling system for pathogens. Mr. Service will direct whatever needs to <br />be corrected. Mr. Millian will have broken tiles fixed during December. Parking was also an issue, and Ms. Jones pointed <br />out in the lease that it specifies that parking will be at the Farmer’s Market, not in the immediate area. Mr. Millian noted <br />that additional security staff will be added and any employee wishing an escort at night need only ask. <br /> <br /> Also discussed with Ms. Jones was the single door entrance to the Environmental Health office. The addition of another <br />door is in the process of being estimated now and construction will begin thereafter . Mr. Currie questioned the renovation <br />for the receptionist. This issue was discussed with Ms. Jones and has been submitted in the Capital Improvements Plan. <br />Carpeting and additional tile in the clinical areas is also in the CIP. <br /> <br />Discussion was raised regarding office housekeeping. This issue will be discussed further at the next Employee Committee <br />meeting. <br /> <br />Animal Control Ordinance <br />This item will be on the December 2, 1996, Board of Commissioners agenda . <br /> <br />Wolf Attack <br />Board members were made aware of a problem situation that occurred around the occurrence of Hurricane Fran. The owner <br />of wolf hybrids had his pen hit by a tree during the storm and the several animals escaped. The animals were loose in the <br />neighborhood and were joined by a neighbor’s dog. The dog barked at the animals and was attacked and killed. The <br />department did an immediate investigation and found that the owner of the wolf-hybrids had made a special appeal to the <br />Commissioners in 1991 to be allowed to keep one wolf hybrid. The owner is a professional animal trainer and has been <br />using the animal as a training instrument to show even the most difficult animal can be trained. The Commissioners did not <br />permit it but asked the Manager to find a way to return the animal to its owner. Unbeknownst to the department, the owner <br />acquired a mate, has bred pups and these were the animals that were involved in the attack. The owner has been issued a <br />vicious compliance order and is under specific orders to remove these other animals from the county however, he has had a <br />hard time moving them. The issue has been discussed with the county attorney and will be addressed further. <br /> <br />6.1 BOARD OF HEALTH ISSUES <br /> <br /> 6.1 Election of Officers for 1996-1997 <br /> Mr. Currie motioned to nominate Dr. Tim Ives as Chair and Brenda Crowder-Gaines as Vice-Chair. Ms. <br />Crowder-Gaines would like the minutes to show that she would be willing to relinquish her seat on the <br />Environmental Health Committee to anyone interested. The board unanimously accepted the motion for <br />nominations. Dr. Gordon moved to accept by acclimation Dr. Ives as Chair and Brenda Crowder-Gaines as Vice- <br />Chair. The motion was seconded by Dr. Foster and passed unanimously.