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BOARD OF HEALTH 3 OCTOBER 24, 1996 <br /> 5.3 Board/Staff Relations - Cleon Currie, Committee Chairperson <br /> Mr. Currie reported that on October 2, 1996, he attended an Health Department Employee Committee meeting. The <br />committee presented and reviewed a series of departmental concerns. (These issues and concerns were located on page 8 <br />and 9 of the Board packet). Mr. Currie reviewed the concerns and expressed the support of the Board in meeting solutions <br />to their concerns. <br /> <br />The Health Director and Division Directors met with the Employee Committee on October 11th and 18th to review issues <br />and concerns. The Director reviewed memos that have been sent to Pam Jones, Purchasing Director, and Dick Taylor, <br />Information Services Director, as the initial response to these items. The Employee Committee will meet again on October <br />31st to continue the review of issues and concerns and responses that may have been received. <br /> <br />The Director will report again next month on the outcome of requests that have been made in response to employee issues <br />and concerns. <br /> <br />6.1 HEALTH DIRECTOR’S REPORT - Daniel B. Reimer <br /> 6.1 Report of Activities <br /> Announcements <br /> The Groundbreaking for the Southern Orange Human Services Complex was held on October 1, 1996. <br /> <br /> The Healthy Carolinians Task Force meeting will be on Monday, October 28, 1996, at the Friday Center, <br /> from 5 - 9 p.m. <br /> <br /> On Friday, November 1, 1996, at 9:30 a.m. in the Health Department Conference Room, Jack Vogt, a faculty <br />member from the Institute of Government, will conduct a session on Outcome Measures for Division Directors and <br />supervisors. Board members are invited to attend. <br /> <br />7. BOARD MEMBER CONCERNS <br /> 7.1 Discussion of Officers for Election at November Annual Meeting <br /> Mr. Reimer updated the Board that the Board of Health Bylaws calls for the Annual Meeting to be held in November for <br />the purpose of electing a Chair and Vice-Chair for the year beginning in December. <br /> <br />The current officers, Dr. Timothy Ives, Chair, and Ms. Brenda Crowder-Gaines, Vice-Chair, have been serving one year. <br />They both expressed their willingness to continue serving. <br /> <br />This issue will be voted on at the November Board of Health meeting. <br /> <br /> 7.2 Discussion of Holiday Plans <br /> Because of tasks that need to be accomplished in December regarding the Health Directors evaluation, the Board <br />mutually agreed not to have a holiday dinner. <br /> 7.3 HSAC <br /> Dr. Foster reported on the outcomes of the forum and recommendations that will be presented to the County <br />Commissioners. A final report from the forum will be presented to the Commissioners prior to their retreat in December. <br /> <br /> Dr. Foster expressed concerns and questions on articles in the paper on environmental health jurisdiction and safety. Dr. <br />Foster would like to have a report at the next meeting from the Environmental Health staff regarding the issues of <br />jurisdiction and safety. <br /> <br /> Due to space concerns, the Board requested a different location for the December meeting. <br /> <br />8. ADJOURN <br /> With no further business, a motion was made by Dr. Southerland and seconded by Dr. Foster to adjourn the <br />meeting. The motion carried unanimously. The next regular Board of Health meeting will be November 21, 1996, <br />at 7:30 p.m. in the OWASA Conference Room in Carrboro. <br /> <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> <br /> <br /> Daniel B. Reimer, MPH <br /> Health Director <br /> <br />l:admin/ann/boh/1096mins.doc