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BOARD OF HEALTH MAY 22, 1997 5 <br />identified who can locate those resources and say, “This is what Orange County wants, can you <br />develop that for us?” Perhaps funding from Glaxo could be obtained. <br /> In the area of Dental Health, the Director previously distributed a memorandum regarding options <br />for Carr Mill services. This will be brought to a later agenda, but the Director wanted to get it out <br />early for discussion. It has gone to John Link and Pam Jones, Purchasing Director in charge of <br />facilities. <br /> Mr. Reimer reported that the medical back-up contract arrangement is going very smoothly. The <br />physicians are showing up on time and working well with staff. Everyone is pleased with the way <br />it’s operating. Staff is collaborating with Family Medicine to reorganize the clinic so that a new and <br />innovative approach will exist by July 1. Eileen Kugler and her group deserve the credit for this. <br /> Mr. Reimer reminded attendees that the next meeting of the Orange County Healthy Carolinians <br />Task Force is Tuesday, May 27th and that BOH members should have received invitations. <br /> Other Highlights -- Mr. Reimer noted that a very exciting staff meeting was held on Wednesday <br />regarding the Strategic Plan. The list of issues developed at the April Board of Health Meeting was <br />reviewed and worked over from several different perspectives. There is a lot of excitement about <br />the prospect of moving in new directions and there was more interest in taking a new direction than <br />Mr. Reimer anticipated. Many who have been involved in the community based public health <br />retreats are really seeing a new vision for the Health Department and are anxious to get more out <br />into the community and less involved in clinical activity. Staff is seeing where our strengths are and <br />seeing that some of the things being done inside our walls might be better accomplished by <br />somebody else. Staff in interested in participating in a “SWOT” team, which is a process that <br />analyzes Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats and is going to run that exercise in their <br />next team meeting scheduled for early June. Mr. Reimer will be coming back to the Board in June <br />with feedback from the staff. <br /> The first case of rabies inside Chapel Hill was reported. A call was also received regarding some <br />dead raccoons by the theater on campus. There has been quite a flap over it because the State lab <br />has had such a huge spiking of lab requests that testing has had to be prioritized. The lab only <br />accepts those cases where there has been an exposure. Commissioner Margaret Brown has <br />expressed her concern about the rabies issue and wants to know what type of emergency plan is in <br />place. Mr. Reimer told Ms. Brown that Dr. Cammarata and John Sauls have been meeting with APS <br />and that he will be briefed on May 23rd regarding recommendations. Ms. Brown asked that serious <br />consideration be given to having free rabies clinics. This was a suggestion she made at the <br />Commissioners’ Meeting in April. This issue is being considered at tomorrow’s meeting. <br /> <br />9. ADJOURN <br /> In preparation for adjournment, Dr. Ives said that next month there would be a brief commentary on <br />the appointment/reappointment process, which has never really been clarified. There needs to be a <br />set policy among the Board members as to how replacements will be looked for. He requested that <br />Board members provide Cyndi with their e-mail addresses to be included on the Board roster. <br /> Dr. Ives suggested that the Board give some thought as to whether or not this is still a good time to <br />hold Board Meetings. He also suggested thinking about the style of the meetings and whether the <br />agenda needs to be cut down, etc. His final admonition to the Board was, “Get an attitude! We’re <br />doing some pretty innovative things and we’ve never really given ourselves credit or applied for <br />awards.” <br /> With no further business, the motion was made by Dr. Klein, seconded by Dr. Foster and carried <br />to adjourn the meeting.