Orange County NC Website
MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />SEPTEMBER 24, 1998 <br /> <br />Board of Health Minutes <br />Transcription completed by Patsy L. Bateman 3 SEPTEMBER 24, 1998 <br />Questions were raised regarding the addition of a coordinating layer to already existing county <br />functions, rather than creating a new layer of bureaucracy through the creation of this <br />department. <br /> <br />The Board of Health would like to have a clearer definition of the scope, purpose, and staffing <br />responsibilities of this new department. Margaret Brown invited the drafting of specific language <br />to be included in the proposal. The Board directed the health director to draft language to <br />submit to the commissioners that reflects this discussion. <br /> <br />IV. HEALTH DIRECTOR’S REPORT <br /> <br />A. JOINT MEETING WITH DSS BOARD (HEALTH CHOICE OUTREACH PLAN) <br />A joint meeting with the DSS Board is scheduled for October 8, 1998 at 5:30pm in the Library <br />Conference Room. Participation in this meeting for Board of Health members is encouraged. <br />The Orange County Health Choice Outreach Plan will be reviewed. Included in that plan will be <br />an approval for the use of $1,400 that the state has allocated to OCHD from the Women’s and <br />Children’s Division, specifically to be used for outreach activities. The plan is to use the funds to <br />support training agency staff to assist potential applicants in completing the application forms <br />and to pay for publicity. The state is developing materials for county use, however, their <br />materials won’t be available until after October 1st. Also included in the Orange County plan will <br />be a proposal for two positions for DSS to manage the enrollment process. One of the positions <br />will be a time-limited position that will expire at the end of the fiscal year. The other position is a <br />request for a permanent intake position. The time-limited position is intended to take care of the <br />first year of increased applications in the Health Choice Program as well as Medicaid. People <br />will be applying for both programs at the same time. This plan is also anticipated to include a <br />fee schedule for the Health Department clinical services in child health. <br /> <br /> Barbara Chavious noted that, at a North Carolina Association of Local Health Directors meeting <br />last week, the Orange County Health Department was recognized by Tom Vitaglione as being <br />“ahead” of other counties in N.C. in implementation of Health Choice and would be a good <br />resource for other counties. <br /> <br /> Flyers included in the Board of Health packet regarding Health Choice have been distributed at <br />community events and are now in Orange County Schools, posted on bulletin boards, etc. Two <br />training sessions were held for various agency staff with 90 people from across the county <br />attending. <br /> <br /> The long-term education need with Health Choice needs to be addressed. The state is <br />interested in improving the health of the population. Monitoring is needed in utilization of <br />children who sign up for this program. The continuing work of the task force will be moved to <br />the Needs of Children Committee of the Healthy Carolinians Council. <br /> <br />B. HEALTHY CAROLINIANS CERTIFICATION <br />The state task force committee on certification has recommended the Orange County Healthy <br />Carolinians Council for certification and that will be awarded at their annual meeting on October <br />13th at a luncheon in Greensboro. Information regarding this annual meeting was included in <br />the Board of Health packet in August. On October 16th there will be a luncheon at the Southern <br />Human Services Center for the new and retiring Orange County steering committee members. <br />