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MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />JUNE 25, 1998 <br /> <br />Board of Health Minutes <br />Transcription completed by Patsy L. Bateman 2 JUNE 25, 1998 <br />have a Public Health Liaison member of that group. This block grant comes through a regional arrangement and <br />is primarily for adult services in the home. Right now, most of that money goes to the Aging Department and <br />Department of Social Services. If the Health Department had a Home Health Agency, we would be eligible for <br />funds as well. We have chosen not to enter into that area at this point. The Committee would still like to have a <br />Public Health Liaison be a member. This meeting would take place twice a year. <br /> <br />EXPANSION OF WTMP <br />This report is a result of several committee discussions. This is an expansion report in essence. This is not <br />something the staff is asking to do. This report is a response to questions that came up at the joint County <br />Commissioners and OWASA meeting and subsequent Board of Health meeting as to what would be involved to <br />expand out to include all systems in the County. Would we want to go back and revisit the proposal based on <br />new information? <br /> <br />Tax bills this year will include pieces of education materials for the Environmental Health Department. One piece <br />of educational material will be septic tank maintenance and well maintenance. Before this material is sent to the <br />public, we need to have a response plan all ready. There is a graduate student working in Environmental Health <br />helping develop an educational/informational pamphlet. The student is also working to update the Orange County <br />Home Page and the Environmental Health Division Home page on the Web. Is it fair to ask the citizens to pay <br />extra money for inspections on a periodic basis and what is the County willing to pay a percentage of? After <br />much discussion regarding WTMP, it was decided to further research different areas, including problem areas and <br />bring this matter before the Board again soon. <br /> <br />This matter will be placed on the Commissioner’s agenda for reports. <br /> <br />VISIONING PROJECT (NCALHD) <br />The Health Directors’ have met twice with Health Quest, the consulting group which pulled these <br />recommendations together. We’re going to meet again in July to go over the recommendations and many Health <br />Directors’ were unhappy because they received the document the day before the meeting. There was not <br />sufficient time for the Directors’ to review, research, or share this information. At the July meeting we will once <br />again discuss this information. This report is something requested by Health Director’s and Health Quest was <br />paid to pull together these recommendations. <br /> <br />Within this document it discusses restructuring of public health rather than a vision for where public health is <br />going. This is a concern. What this document is pushing is public health integrated service areas, aka, public <br />health authority. Public health authority is not a BOH, it is a separate legal entity from what is currently a BOH. It <br />is a separate legislation set up essentially health authorities that can function on their own without the <br />participation if so wished, of County Commissioners. In one way a public health authority gets public health out <br />from under and that’s the term often used, “out from under”, local politicians. This is a combination approach that <br />they are in fact pushing public health integrated service areas as a public health authority but is not on a county <br />level, it is on a regional level, a multi-county level. They believe this will make public health more competitive, <br />more able to work in a managed care environment. This is the thrust of why they would like to do this. They’re <br />recommending that there be no more than 18 across the State, which is a far cry from our 87 health <br />departments/districts that we have. It is suggested that these integrated service areas be organized around <br />consumer patterns of care. <br /> <br />They are asking the undefined triangle whether we would be going to act as a demonstration site for this project.. <br />The reason that they think a pilot project would be worth it in the triangle area is because they’re easy access in <br />relationship to the State. <br />It looks like they’re proposing a fast track and that all the changes and the structure be completed by the year <br />2000. <br /> <br />They still would like to have local funding. They are asking the BOCC to fund the local areas. What is being <br />proposed is that these structures have local programs but all of the rule making authority is at the regional level. <br />None of the rule making is at the local level, but the local BOCC would fund public health preventive programs. <br />Each regional board would have 8 county commissioner members on the regionals rule making board (1