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MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />February 26, 1998 <br /> <br /> Board of Health Minutes <br />Transcription completed by Patsy L. Bateman 3 February 26, 1998 <br />Health that accounts for most of the increase of revenue. Dental Health has projected a continuing trend of increases <br />in private-pay sliding-scale patients. Management and Vital Records has a decrease because the State consolidated <br />contract has decreased. <br /> <br />The Board members asked several questions regarding the outcomes and the budget adoption process. <br /> <br />The Commissioners’ adoption of the budget is scheduled for the June meeting. The Orange County Health <br />Department budget is due to the County Budget office on March 16, 1998. After a series of meetings with the Budget <br />Office staff, there will be changes to our budget based on their recommendations. The County Manager makes <br />recommendations in May. <br /> <br />New positions were requested in January. The County has a Position Team that looks at all justifications. Each <br />department meets with a budget analyst and they ask many questions about the positions requested. This is the <br />process the Health Department is in now. The Analyst presents the facts as they understand them to the Budget <br />Team who then makes their recommendation to the County Manager and the County Manager makes a <br />recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners. <br /> <br />Environmental Health <br />The Board requested that Environmental Health look at formulating plans for the inspections of gravity flow systems. <br />Ron Holdway will gather data and report back to the Board. <br /> <br /> The motion to approve the 1998-99 Budget was made by Jonathan Klein, seconded by Margaret Brown and <br />carried without dissent. <br /> <br /> BREAST FEEDING SUPPORT TO THE COMMUNITY, PRESENTED BY ROSEMARY SUMMERS <br />Mini-grants up to $2,000 for community breastfeeding support have been made available on a competitive basis from <br />the Division of Women’s and Children’s Health, N.C. Department of Health and Human Services. A requirement was <br />that applications for funding be coordinated with local health departments, as the money would come through the <br />local Health Department State Consolidated Contract. Karen Metzguer, RN, a perinatal nurse educator based at <br />UNC Hospital, expressed an interest in applying for $1,845 to carry out a project to support breastfeeding <br />continuation for babies in day care centers, and the application was approved. <br /> <br /> The motion to accept the funds for the Breastfeeding Support to the Community was made by Janet <br />Southerland, seconded by Barry Adler and carried without dissent. <br /> <br />HONORING SEAL THE STATE ORGANIZERS, PRESENTED BY ROSEMARY SUMMERS <br />Seal the State in 98 and Seal Orange County Kids are two projects, (the first is a state-sponsored and the second is a <br />county-sponsored project) that were intended to screen and provide sealants for children in Orange County who do <br />not have access to regular dental care. Both projects were coordinated by Wendy Hall, Dental Hygienist from the <br />N.C. Dental Health Section assigned to the Orange County Health Department. Seal the State in 98 involved both <br />the School of Dentistry at UNC-CH and 12 private practice dentists in Orange County. Through this project about <br />105 students had 943 sealants placed at the Dental School, and about 140 students had sealants placed by private <br />dentists. Dr. Eugene Howden was the lead dentist and was instrumental in recruiting and organizing the private <br />practitioners to participate in this project. The Seal Orange County Kids Project, which continues this effort in April, <br />will enable the health department to provide sealants to those children that were unable to be scheduled in February. <br /> Wendy Hall has been outstanding in her efforts at managing the screening in the schools and the massive <br />organization required to get the children to the various locations for the sealants to be placed. <br /> <br />The Health Department is requesting that the Board present plaques or certificates of appreciation to Dr. Eugene <br />Howden and Wendy Hall for their efforts in these campaigns to be presented by the Chair, Timothy J. Ives. If <br />arrangements can be made, the plaques can be presented on March 13, 1998 at the Dental Society Meeting. <br /> <br /> The motion to approve the purchase and presentation of plaques or certificates to Dr. Eugene Howden and <br />Wendy Hall was made by Janet Southerland, seconded by Jonathan Klein and carried without dissent. <br /> <br />5. CHILD HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM, PRESENTED BY ROSEMARY SUMMERS <br /> This is a hot legislative issue. Included is a summary of the top ten questions asked about this program and the <br />reasons we should support it. It will go to the Legislature in special session in March. There are people who would <br />like to change provisions of the legislation to weaken it by reducing the number of children that are covered. A letter <br />of support to the legislative committee would be helpful from the Board.