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MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />February 26, 1998 <br /> <br /> Board of Health Minutes <br />Transcription completed by Patsy L. Bateman 2 February 26, 1998 <br /> The following motion was made. The Health Department supports cancer prevention education in the <br />community, especially prostate cancer education with a special focus on the risks of screening and with an <br />emphasis on early detection. The Health Department will act as a technical consultant to develop the <br />educational format and informed consent procedures. The Health Department agrees to perform limited <br />screening called for in the grant. The motion was made by Janet Southerland, seconded by Ronald <br />Cammarata and carried without dissent. <br /> <br /> RECEIPT OF INTENSIVE HOME VISITING GRANT FUNDS, PRESENTED BY ROSEMARY SUMMERS <br /> This grant has come to the Board previously. A final budget is attached. We have received this grant as an <br />amendment to the State contract. <br /> <br /> The motion to accept the Intensive Home Visiting Grant Funds and authorize the Director to sign the <br />amendment to the consolidated contract was made by Janet Southerland, seconded by Beverly Foster and <br />carried without dissent. <br /> <br /> ADOPTION OF 1998-99 BUDGET, PRESENTED BY ROSEMARY SUMMERS <br /> Departmental Summary <br />There is a requested increase of 11 3/4% in Personnel due to new positions and requests for additional time in <br />current positions. There are 2 Family Nurse Practitioners that are not working full-time and the request is to have <br />them both raised to full-time. Two Health Educators, one a Sr. Health Educator and one Public Health Educator I are <br />requested. The Sr. Health Educator is the project coordinator position in the Efland-Cheeks community and the <br />Health Educator position is the Teens in Power Coordinator that is currently three quarter time. <br /> <br />Two additional personnel are requested for Environmental Health, one Environmental Health Program Specialist and <br />another Environmental Health Specialist. In addition, a Public Health Nurse I that would be specific to a program that <br />is focused on home visiting for disabled adults and a Medical Office Assistant position are also requested. <br /> <br />The operational increase is 3.96% primarily due to four factors. One is an increase in professional contract services. <br />This year for the first time, the dental director services were contracted through the dental school for a partial year <br />contract in FY 98-99. The Orange County Health Department will pay for the entire year. In addition, there is an <br />increase of professional contract services in anticipation of needing to change clinical services; to become a full <br />ACCESS provider, Orange County Health Department will need 24-hour physician coverage. Orange County Health <br />Department is currently talking with Family Medicine to extend their contract for physician coverage to 24 hours. <br />Increases in medical and pharmacy supplies and in the bonds and insurance category, round out the operational <br />increases. <br /> <br /> Divisional Budget Summary <br />This shows that the Management/ Vital Statistics area went up 40%. This represents the transfer of two positions <br />from Personal Health into the Management and Vital Records budget. Two Health Education positions that are <br />currently on staff, Cornelia Ramsey and Louise Echols were transferred into a newly configured Office of Community <br />Education. There is an increase in contract services to take care of several things. One is the Board request to <br />develop a crisis preparedness plan. The consultant has given us a figure of $2,000 to do that plan with the staff. <br />Also included are student stipends in the professional contract services line. Orange County Health Department <br />shares a position with other human service agencies for a Systems Analyst position and our portion of that person <br />which had been absorbed in Personal Health is now reflected here. <br /> <br />The Dental Health increase of 11% is primarily due to increased building rent in Carr Mill. They will be the sole <br />Health Department occupants in Carr Mill. Dental will have increased space in Carr Mill and therefore their building <br />rent portion will be increased as well. Other increases include the professional contract for the dentist and <br />bloodborne pathogens. <br /> <br />Personal Health has the second smallest increase. This is partly because of the transfer of resources from Personal <br />Health into Management. Increases are in the two new positions and in the professional contract section. <br /> <br /> Environmental Health has the two new positions and that is their primary increase. <br /> <br />Animal Control is the least changed. There are no major increases. <br /> <br /> Revenue Summary <br />Overall revenue is projected to be up by 6.7%. Ron Holdway has proposed a new fee schedule for Environmental