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MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />January 29, 1998 <br />Board of Health Minutes <br />Transcription completed by Patsy L. Bateman 3 January <br />29, 1998 <br />Albert Kittrell, Assistant County Manager; Elaine Holmes, Personnel Director; and Donna Dean, Budget Director <br />have been invited to attend lunch and to present an overview of what the county is expecting in the future. There will <br />also be a short presentation on the State perspective of the future of public health and where it’s going. <br /> <br />The staff has been working on compiling a current service inventory list. Services provided by the Health <br />Department are listed in a “current service inventory table.” Services have been sorted by mandated services, <br />services that are not mandated but should continue to be provided, and services that are not mandated and could be <br />discontinued. Another column for new services was also included. The Core Functions and Essential Services list <br />that CDC and NACHO have adopted will form the working base for the retreat. <br /> <br />Bill Herzog will be the facilitator of the retreat. <br /> <br />The motion to approve the proposal for Strategic Planning Process was made by Barbara Chavious, <br />seconded by Brenda Crowder-Gaines and carried without dissent. <br /> <br />RECEIVE: INFORMATION ON SOUTHERN HUMAN SERVICES MOVE, PRESENTED BY ROSEMARY <br />SUMMERS <br /> The Southern Human Services Center will be open for business on March 16, 1998. The furniture will be ordered <br />after the Commissioner’s approve that package, which is on their agenda for Tuesday, February 3, 1998. There will <br />be other county departments located in the Southern Human Service Center. An orientation to building security has <br />been completed. <br /> <br />Eileen Kugler and her staff have worked very hard to develop a plan for moving where service interruption is <br />minimized. There will be minimal furniture moved from Carr Mill to the new building. The renovations to Carr Mill for <br />Dental Health will not be started until after the move is completed to Southern Human Services Center. <br /> <br />In regard to bus service to Southern Human Services Center, the Board would like to send a letter to the Chapel Hill <br />Transit Authority requesting extended service to the front door of the building. This would accommodate clients who <br />are disabled, pregnant, sick, elderly, etc., who are unable to walk the long distance from Homestead Road to the <br />front door. <br /> <br /> RECEIVE: INFORMATION ON BUDGETING PROCESS, PRESENTED BY ROSEMARY SUMMERS <br />The Board will receive a draft of the budget at the February meeting. A department head meeting was held today on <br />outcomes/measures and objectives. Division head meetings have been held to review their six-month budgets from <br />this year in anticipation of projections for next year. New position descriptions have been submitted. <br /> <br /> The Commissioners are slated to adopt the budget at their June meeting. <br /> <br />APPROVE: CONTRACT REVISIONS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, PRESENTED BY ROSEMARY <br />SUMMERS <br />This is a receipt of funds to Environmental Health for restaurant inspections. The Division achieved a 99% rate of <br />inspection, which qualified them for the funds. These funds will be added to the operating budget in Environmental <br />Health. <br /> <br />Addendum: Please pass on Board thanks to the Environmental Health staff for a job well done. <br /> <br />The motion to approve the contract revisions for Environmental Health was made by Jonathan Klein, <br />seconded by Beverly Foster and carried without dissent. <br /> <br /> WORK ACTIVITIES PRESENTED BY ROSEMARY SUMMERS <br />Rosemary has visited individual departments and divisions learning what she needs to do, as Interim Health <br />Director. The County Manager’s Office has been warm in their welcome and willing to help in any way. She would <br />like to spend more time outside the walls of the health department, with field trips in Environmental Health and <br />Animal Control. <br /> <br />Individual meetings have been held with the outposted professional contracted individuals, Dr. Sandler, the Dental <br />Health Director and Dr. Angle. Meetings have also been conducted with Joy Reed and Leah Devlin at the State <br />office to get their input in regard to the direction we need to be going. She has also attended a two-day conference <br />for local health directors. A lot of attention has been focused on the final details of the Southern Human Services <br />Center. <br /> <br />