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MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />February 3, 2000 <br /> <br />Board of Health Minutes <br />Transcription completed by Phyllis R. Privette 4 February 3, 2000 <br />the Adoption Guidelines portion of the Animal Shelter Procedures. This was in response to a <br />citizen complaint regarding the adoption guidelines. After the adoption guideline section is <br />finished, the Committee plans to review all the elements of the contract between the Animal <br />Protection Society (APS) and the County regarding the operation of the Animal Shelter. The <br />Committee will make recommendations to the Board. The current plan is to have the work <br />completed by the March Board meeting. Rosemary Summers noted that the Board of Health <br />would then consider these recommendations and decide whether to forward them to the <br />Commissioners for consideration. Some recommendations may be to the APS. Neither the <br />Board of Health nor the Commissioners can force the APS to make changes in their policies. <br />The Commissioners can decide whether or not to renew the contract with the APS and can <br />include certain stipulations as part of the contract. <br /> <br />D. Dental and Personal Health Committee <br />1. Eligibility and Fee Policies for Personal Health Services <br />The Committee met for the first time this year just prior to the Board meeting. Janet <br />Southerland and Mel Hurston were by common consent chosen as co-chairs of the Committee. <br /> A regular meeting schedule was proposed and approved by the Committee. The primary <br />agenda item for the Committee was consideration of eligibility and fee policies for personal <br />health services. The necessity of unbundling costs for Medicaid billing on July 1, 2000 has <br />been one of the prime thrusts for instituting a full billing process for all patients in personal <br />health. The majority of the services have heretofore been free. The Committee and the Board <br />had a fairly extensive discussion regarding establishing a sliding fee scale, establishing fees for <br />all services, the proposed bad debt policy and the concept of a minimum fee that would be <br />charged in allowable programs. Rosemary Summers informed the Board that the department is <br />expecting a consulting firm to conduct a cost study that will allow us to establish costs for each <br />procedure code. This will allow us to propose a fee schedule that reflects actual costs. It was <br />the general consensus of the Board that they wished to act on the specific policies at the same <br />time that a fee schedule was proposed. Since the budget preparation will in part depend on <br />whether the Board supports the concept of charging fees or not, staff requested the Board to <br />provide direction in this regard. Mel Hurston stated that he felt that this was the responsible <br />direction to move in. He felt that everyone should take some responsibility for paying for <br />services and that it was the Board's responsibility to be good stewards of the tax dollars <br />allocated. Establishing fees and a collection policy was a step in the right direction. <br /> <br />A motion to support the concept of eligibility and fee policies and the <br />establishment of a minimum fee for allowable services was made by Barbara <br />Chavious and seconded by Mel Hurston. The motion passed without dissent. <br /> <br />2. Reorganization of Personal Health Services <br />Rosemary Summers reported on the reorganization of personal health services utilizing the <br />organizational charts provided in the Board packet. The goal of the reorganization was to clarify <br />the services offered to the public, increasing the effectiveness of staff in all program areas, and <br />to emphasize and highlight the core functions and essential services of the Department. The <br />reorganization was intended to be position and revenue neutral, that is no new positions would <br />be created and no positions would be lost. To the extent possible as duties and supervisory <br />lines are shifted the intention is to leave positions close to their current classification levels as <br />possible. <br /> <br />The reorganization will shift resources to create a new division entitled: Health Promotion and <br />Health Education Services Division. It was decided that this was necessary because the