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MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />February 3, 2000 <br /> <br />Board of Health Minutes <br />Transcription completed by Phyllis R. Privette 3 February 3, 2000 <br />November. Each Committee would examine the issues and make recommendations to the full <br />Board on action. No Committee will be authorized to make decisions on behalf of Board with <br />the exception of the Executive Committee as defined in the by-laws. This is intended to allow <br />more time at Board meetings for substantive policy discussion rather than attention to details. <br />Several Board members made the point that this will be effective only to the extent that <br />committee discussions are not re-created in their entirety at the Board meeting. It was <br />acknowledged that this would require some practice on the part of the Board. <br /> <br />Rosemary Summers pointed out that this would increase the load for staff in preparing for, <br />staffing, and following-up on additional meetings. Since these are official Committees of the <br />Board they are subject to all provisions of the open meetings law. <br /> <br />Several modifications to the original committee list of November were noted. Martha Stucker <br />asked to serve on the Dental Health and Personal Health Committee. Barry Jacobs asked to <br />serve on the Animal Control and Environmental Health Committee. Sandra Quinn will replace <br />Barbara Chavious on the Animal Control and Environmental Health Committe. Lee Werley will <br />replace Tim Ives on the Dental Health and Personal Health Committee. Ron Cammarata and <br />Rick Marinshaw will co-chair the Animal Control and Environmental Health Committee. Janet <br />Southerland and Mel Hurston will co-chair the Dental Health and Personal Health Committee. <br /> <br />Committees were encouraged to establish a regular meeting schedule and place to simplify the <br />public notification process. <br /> <br />3. Report to Commissioners <br />The attachment in the Board packet was sent to the Board of Commissioners in December. <br />The goals are the same ones that the Board of Health adopted last year. Several completion <br />dates were changed on some of the milestones in the goals. In addition, the Commissioners <br />requested information from each advisory board or commission that they appoint for their <br />annual retreat. The Commissioners held their retreat in January. The two-page report is <br />attached for the Board's information. <br /> <br />4. Staff Recognition Breakfast <br />It was proposed that the Board sponsor an event for a limited number of Health Department <br />staff that recognizes outstanding performance and accomplishments. A breakfast was <br />suggested to be funded through Board member contribution. Senior management staff would <br />select about 20 staff to recognize. Martha Stucker indicated that the Board member contribution <br />should not be set so high that it became a burden to a Board member that might be low income <br />and not be able to contribute. Tim Ives suggested that the Board members could simply <br />contribute their reimbursement for the month to the event. The type of event, timing, and costs <br />were not decided. <br /> <br />A motion to approve the concept of an annual staff recognition event was made <br />by Mel Hurston and seconded by Martha Stucker. The motion was carried <br />without dissent. <br /> <br />C. Animal Control and Environmental Health Committee <br />1. Animal Protection Society Shelter Procedures Review <br />Ron Cammarata reported on the first meeting of the Animal Control and Environmental Health <br />Committee that was held January 14, 2000. The Committee set a regular meeting schedule. <br />The next meeting is February 10 from 4-6 p.m. The Committee began its work with a review of