Orange County NC Website
MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />November 16 2000 <br /> <br />Board of Health Minutes <br />Transcription completed by V. Anne Milels 3 November 16, 2000 <br /> <br />The Board evaluated the need to have a meeting in December and decided not to hold a <br />December Board of Health meeting. The next scheduled meeting will be January 25, <br />2001. <br /> <br />Motion to not hold a December meeting was made by Lee Werley, seconded by Martha Stucker <br />and carried without dissent. <br /> <br /> 4. Capital Improvement Plan Submission Requests <br /> <br />Each division of the Health Department has been compiling or updating a complete <br />capital inventory that details each piece of equipment, when it was purchased, cost of <br />purchase, estimated life of equipment, and estimated replacement cost. Items being <br />requested for next year are reflected on the preliminary list passed out at the meeting. <br />Included is a request for medical pharmacy inventory software or programming time, <br />appointment software for clinical support, GIS software for desktops, three laptops, one <br />for a dedicated LCD panel; and several computers for staff that did not have a computer. <br /> <br />C. Dental and Personal Health Committee <br /> <br /> 1. Appointment of Members to School Health Task Force <br /> <br /> The Health Director and Chair met with representatives of the Orange County School <br />Board and administration, County Commissioners, and the County Manager to discuss <br />school health nursing services. As a result of that meeting, a working group or task <br />force is being formed to develop recommendations for acceptable levels of school <br />nursing services in both school systems and a plan for funding such services. The intent <br />is to have recommendations ready for consideration for the FY 2001-2002 funding cycle. <br /> <br /> At the Committee meeting in November, Jonathan Klein and Lee Werley were <br />recommended as Board of Health representatives to this task force. <br /> <br />Motion was made by Mel Hurston to accept the Committee's recommendation to appoint Jonathan <br />Klein and Lee Werley as Board of Health representatives to the School Health Nursing Task Force. <br /> <br /> 2. Retention and Disposition Policy for Dental Health Services Records. <br /> <br /> Angela Cooke, Dental Services Division Coordinator, reported that the number of dental <br />records that are not actively used continues to increase. Due to the limited space <br />available to keep such records secure in storage, the division is proposing to cull the <br />inactive records and dispose of them. <br /> <br /> The NC Division of Archives and the NC Dental Health Program were consulted <br />regarding this policy and it was determined that dental health records had not been <br />considered in formulating the state disposition schedule. The Division of Archives will be <br />adding dental records to its list with the provisions as noted in our attachment. These <br />provisions have fewer restrictions than those for medical records. There is no <br />requirement to keep dental x-rays if the record is destroyed. <br /> <br /> Specific Procedures will be developed to protect the confidentiality of the records.