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MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />November 16 2000 <br /> <br />Board of Health Minutes <br />Transcription completed by V. Anne Milels 2 November 16, 2000 <br />comply with General Statutes. Other revisions are proposed based on the customary <br />practices that the Board has adopted over time and for clarity in the text. <br /> <br />The current draft incorporates changes discussed in the October Board meeting in <br />addition to a conflict of interest statement specified in the By-laws to be signed by all <br />incoming Board members. <br /> <br />Motion to approve the by-laws revision as written including a conflict of interest statement was <br />made by Martha Stucker, seconded by Kate Wilder and carried without dissent. <br /> <br /> 2. Election of Officers <br /> <br /> Martha Stucker presented the recommendation of the Nominating Committee of Janet <br />Southerland as Chair and Mel Hurston as Vice Chair, pending approval by the Board of <br />County Commissioners of Janet Southerland's reappointment in June of 2001. <br />Jonathan Klein indicated his willingness to continue to serve if he were allowed an <br />additional term of office as well. Dr. Klein stated that he has written to the chair of the <br />commissioners requesting that his term and Dr. Southerland's be an exception to the <br />two-term limitation. The basis of the exception is that they both came on the Board <br />when there was a three-term expectation. Given the request for reappointment for both <br />Dr. Klein and Dr. Southerland, the new board members present felt that they would <br />rather stay with the present leadership. Therefore, Dr. Klein was nominated by Martha <br />Stucker to be re-elected as Chair and seconded by Lee Werley. <br /> <br />In a voice vote the tally was unanimous in electing Dr. Klein. <br /> <br />Dr. Southerland was nominated by Martha Stucker to be re-elected as Vice-Chair and <br />seconded by Mel Hurston. <br /> <br />In a voice vote the tally was unanimous in electing Dr. Southerland as Vice-Chair. <br /> <br />B. Executive Committee <br /> <br /> 1. Staff Vacancy Update <br /> <br />Rosemary Summers reported on current staffing vacancies and also on staff members <br />that have been in their current positions less than a year. Mel Hurston questioned the <br />turnover rate in the Orange County Health Department compared to prior years. This is <br />due to several factors; reorganization of the department created some movement <br />opportunities for employees, creating a domino effect. Also, salaries are generally not <br />competitive with the private sector, the staff involved in home visiting is subject to stress, <br />and some positions are grant-funded. All of these factors contribute to turnover. There <br />also are fewer qualified applicants applying. <br /> <br /> 2. Approval of 2001 Meeting Calendar <br /> <br />The Board decided to hold its half-day workshop sessions on Friday afternoons, rather <br />than Saturday mornings. They will be held April 20, 2001 and September 14, 2001. <br /> <br /> 3. December Board Meeting