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MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />September 28, 2000 <br /> <br />Board of Health Minutes <br />Transcription completed by V. Anne Miles 3 September 28, 2000 <br />rather than burning will be incorporated into the Solid Waste Ordinance, that process will <br />take some time to develop. Meanwhile, Commissioners have adopted a policy that <br />governs contracting with vendors for county services that incorporates these principles. <br />The Commissioners have requested information on the health effects of burning from the <br />Health Department. This information is currently being compiled by the Health <br />Department staff for the Board of County Commissioners. In addition the Medical <br />Director will contact physicians of families in the neighborhood that experienced <br />problems to get a clearer picture of the causal relationships. <br /> <br /> B. Executive Committee <br /> <br /> 1. Recommendations Following from Work Session on 9/16/2000 <br /> <br />The Division Directors met after the work session and compiled a priority listing of <br />recommendations for positions along with direct and indirect costs and benefits. The <br />listing is as follows: <br />a) A Spanish interpreter/translator is needed to eliminate the amount paid for <br />contracted interpreter fees, and reduce the hours diverted from other programs <br />by our in-house Spanish-speaking staff. <br />b) Environmental health specialist for the wastewater/well & general sanitation <br />program to reduce backlogs to 2 weeks. <br />c) Environmental health specialist for the food & lodging institutional inspections to <br />increase inspection compliance to 100%. <br />d) Public nurse conversion from a 10-month to a 12-month position. <br />e) Clinical nutritionist which would help increase clinical nutrition service demands <br />as well as meet health education needs in our clinical area for maintaining some <br />of those policies and protocols that we currently do not have. <br />f) Two medical office assistants are needed in the clinic area. <br />g) One dental office assistant is needed. <br /> The Board will further consider these in the context of short-range objectives that will be <br />presented next time. <br /> <br /> 2. Joint BOH/BOCC Work Session Request <br /> <br />A joint work session would not be feasible for the fall 2000 schedule due to lack of <br />preparation time and scheduling difficulties. Therefore, it was decided to pursue a joint <br />BOH/BOCC Work Session for the spring session. <br /> <br />3. Senior Vaccination Season Proclamation <br /> <br />The Health Department has already received 4,000 doses of flu vaccine, the amount that <br />was ordered. Jonathan Klein volunteered to attend the next Board of County <br />Commissioners meeting and present the Senior Vaccination Season Proclamation. <br /> <br /> 4. Dental Research Grant <br /> <br />Motion to add Item IV.B.4, Dental Research Grant, to the Agenda was made by Mel Hurston, <br />seconded by Lee Werley, and carried without dissent. <br /> <br />The research grant is a request by the UNC Dental School for the department to