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MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />September 28, 2000 <br /> <br />Board of Health Minutes <br />Transcription completed by V. Anne Miles 2 September 28, 2000 <br /> There were no public comments for non-agenda items. <br /> <br />IV. Reports/Action from Committees <br /> <br /> A. Animal Control and Environmental Health Committee <br /> <br /> 1. Draft Amendment to Wild & Dangerous Animal Ordinance <br /> <br />Robert C. Patterson addressed the Board concerning the wording in the ordinance <br />relating to ownership of exotic and/or dangerous animals. Mr. Patterson requested the <br />ordinance be reworded to clarify the intent. He stated that it was unclear whether all <br />exotic animals were to be banned. <br /> <br />Ellen Whitaker, Committee for Human and Animal Safety, supported the ordinance <br />prohibiting the use of wild and exotic animals for entertainment purposes in order to <br />protect welfare of animals and promote public safety. <br /> <br />Pat Sanford, a representative of the Animal Protection Society, spoke in support of the <br />rewrite of the Wild and Dangerous Animal Ordinance and the ban on wild animal shows. <br /> <br />Lisa Robinson Bailey, Committee for Human and Animal Safety, provided examples of <br />mistreatment to wild animals featured in these shows and injuries to the trainers and <br />general populace when something goes wrong. <br /> <br />Ron Cammarata, as a member of the Board of Health committee, spoke on the cruelty <br />and public safety issues related to animal acts referenced in the preceding <br />presentations. The committee is in favor of changing the current ordinance to the draft <br />version. <br /> <br />Alan Rimer expressed the opinion that the wording was unclear and would like to see <br />the ordinance clarified. <br /> <br />The Board felt that there was enough concern about the wording and intent of the <br />ordinance to send it back to committee for further study and clarification. The Board is <br />supportive of a general ban of animals that are dangerous to Orange County citizenry, <br />with an allowance for permitting, on an individual basis, certain exotic animals not <br />considered dangerous. This special permitting would be handled through Animal Control <br />Division. The Board is opposed to the display of exotic animals. <br /> <br />Motion was made that the ordinance, as amended with modifications, be forwarded to the <br />Board of County Commissioners for action by Ron Cammarata, seconded by Barry Adler <br />and failed to carry. The ordinance was referred back to committee for clarification. <br /> <br /> 2. Environmental Health Fee Schedule Review <br /> (Delayed to a future meeting) <br /> <br /> 3. Report on Opening Burning Regulation Activities <br /> <br />The bill recently passed in the last State legislative session will enable Orange County to <br />develop an ordinance to regulate open burning. While provisions to require recycling