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MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />February 22, 2001 <br />Board of Health Minutes <br />Transcription completed by V. Anne Miles 2 February 22, 2001 <br />the Government Services Center was made by Kate Wilder, seconded by Barry <br />Adler and carried without dissent. <br /> <br />III. PUBLIC COMMENT FOR ITEMS NOT ON PRINTED AGENDA <br /> <br /> None. <br /> <br />IV. REPORTS AND DISCUSSION WITH POSSIBLE ACTION <br /> <br />A. Presentation of 2001-2002 Budget Request <br /> <br />Rosemary Summers presented the proposed budget request to the Board <br />and highlighted the additions and changes from last year's budget. <br /> <br />Changes from last budget year to this budget year would be due to new <br />programs that were added or changes in outcomes due to new positions. <br />Changes linked to new position requests will come out of the budget if the <br />new positions are not approved. <br /> <br />The total budget request this year is $5,741,753. Requests include eight <br />additional positions; 2 medical office assistants; a medical interpreter; <br />environmental health specialist for the wastewater program; an <br />environmental health program specialist for food and lodging; an <br />environmental educator and clinical nutritionist and dental program <br />coordinator, although the dental program coordinator is 100 per cent <br />grant funded, and then 4 positions with partial time increases. An <br />increase for dental program coordinator, dental office assistant, and <br />increase in public health nurse, from a 10 month to a 12-month position, <br />and a half-time office assistant. A half-time office assistant is actually an <br />existing position that is currently grant funded. We are asking to move <br />that to full time and have it half county funded and half remain grant <br />funded. <br /> <br />The personnel increases are approximately 12 %. The operations increase <br />is about 11.64%. Much of the increase is for new programs or new <br />positions. There are also increases for motor pool, pharmaceutical, and <br />laboratory cost. Capital outlay is all related to new positions. Total <br />expenditure increase is just under 13%. Offsetting revenue including, an <br />increase in the environmental health fee schedule, and new positions will <br />bring in increased revenue. If the positions requested are not approved <br />then this revenue figure will change. The County net costs are a 15% <br />increase. State and federal revenues will be decreasing. Programmed <br />into this budget was a 10% decrease in some of our state consolidated <br />contract revenues. We do not know if that is going to occur. At this time <br />the State has indicated they are not going to reduce our MCH block <br />grant or our other larger block grants, but it is too early to say whether <br />they are or are not going to do that. <br /> <br />Animal Control Services: The 5.79% increase is a result of; 1) software <br />program costs, 2) a new program for barn cats, and 3) the animal shelter.