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MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />November 20, 2003 <br />Board of Health Minutes Transcription completed by Anne Miles Cassell 5 November 20, 2003 <br />nature and reflect changes that have occurred in the State rules; changes for <br />clarification or correction; or sometimes new initiatives. <br /> <br />The rule amendments in the proposed draft are mostly minor. Several involve <br />only moving passages from one section to a more appropriate place with the <br />rules. A copy of the proposed changes will be posted on the Environmental <br />Health website. <br /> <br />The Animal Control/Environmental Health Committee has reviewed these draft <br />amendments and Ron Holdway presented a summary of changes to the Board. <br />Board members agreed to defer further discussion to the December meeting. <br />The ACEH Committee will prepare a synopsis for presentation at that time. <br /> <br />D. Update on Public Health Preparedness <br /> <br />The Coordinator has been a contract position with the Health Department for about six <br />months. Since the department is about to move into a continuing phase with these <br />activities, Carla Julian provided an update for the Board on where the department <br />stands in terms of preparedness activities and continuing needs and the status of the <br />volunteer recruitment and training effort. <br /> <br />E. 2003 Community Assessment <br /> <br />The Health Department through its contract agreement process with the state is <br />responsible for conducting a community assessment once every four years. That <br />assessment must meet certain criteria, including widespread community involvement <br />and it must include both secondary and primary data analysis. The Orange County <br />Healthy Carolinians Council has taken on the task of managing the community <br />assessment process this year. Maria Hitt, The Coordinator of Healthy Carolinians, has <br />worked very hard to ensure that a broad spectrum of community agencies and <br />residents are involved in this process. <br /> <br />The Board received a copy of the draft document at the meeting. Maria Hitt gave a <br />short presentation to the Board. Board members were requested to send written, email <br />or phone comments to Maria Hitt or the Health Director prior to Thanksgiving. Those <br />comments will be integrated into the draft what will be submitted as a final on <br />December 1. <br /> <br />Staff will present the final report and the beginning action plans to the Healthy <br />Carolinians Council, the Board of Health, and other interested community members <br />from 5 to 7 pm just prior to the regular Board of Health meeting in January. <br /> <br />VI. Board Comments/Announcements <br /> <br />A. Alan Rimer discussed the relative positions that the Health Department could take with <br />respect to animal control, the shelter, and the whole picture of managing this process <br />over time that was discussed at the last meeting. There were several issues that came <br />out of that discussion. There are some clear health issues associated with animal <br />control that cannot be overlooked. Board members expressed the opinion that if the <br />service of the shelter operation is moved outside of the Health Department and the <br />Board of Health that the Board would run the risk of abdicating its responsibility for