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MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />June 24, 2004 <br />Board of Health Minutes Transcription completed by Anne Miles Cassell 3 June 24, 2004 <br /> <br />Staff gathered quantitative data about the functioning of the department as it was currently <br />configured. A SWOT (strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) consensus process was <br />used to determine the directions that the department may want to consider. The SWOT analysis <br />was provided to the board for their review. As a result of the analysis, six goals were identified <br />as providing the focus for the next plan. Upon further analysis it was decided that the theme of <br />this strategic plan would be “Integration.” Objectives and activities should flow around the <br />following major goals: <br />• Marketing/public relations/outreach to inform residents, agencies, and policymakers <br />what services are available and the role of the health department <br />• Developing and meeting recognized/accepted quality assurance standards for all <br />services. <br />• Collaborating with agencies, service providers, and communities in a way that assures <br />integration of health department services and activities. <br />• Assuring accessibility to health services to decrease health disparities. <br />• Providing “state of the art” or “best practice” services” <br /> <br />Staff then took those goals and the integration theme and started to develop some objectives <br />that might contribute that might contribute to achieving these broad goals. Work has already <br />begun in some areas, such as the creation of a Quality Assurance, Risk Management, and <br />Preparedness Unit reporting to the Health Director, and dental health’s plan to apply for grant <br />funding to support children’s dental education, screening and follow up. <br /> <br />At the time the SWOT and the draft goals were prepared, the Community Health Assessment <br />and priority selection was not yet finalized and will be taken into account in the department’s <br />plan. <br /> <br />Board members reviewed all materials including the previous strategic plan and community <br />assessment, and discussed areas of concern and areas for future direction for the department. <br />Division directors presented goals they envision for their divisions. <br /> <br />VI. Special Presentation/Board Comments/Announcements <br /> <br />Alice White gave special recognition to Lee Werley and expressed gratitude for his service to the <br />Orange County community. Lee is leaving the board at the end of his current term on June 30, 2004 <br />and served in the Pharmacist position. <br /> <br />Rosemary Summers summarized the county budget outcome for board members. The nurse <br />practitioner position for primary care and the increase to full time position for the licensed clinical social <br />worker, and the reimbursement and billing specialist position was approved starting July 1, 2004. The <br />dental assistant was approved effective October 1, 2004. There were minor cuts in the operating <br />expenses, but nothing major. There will be a portion of a $400,000 cut at some time that will be shared <br />with other county departments, but at this point we do not know where or how much. <br /> <br />VII. Adjournment