Orange County NC Website
8 <br />interest or potential conflict of interest between the covered person's private interests <br />and the covered person's public duties. Covered persons must take an active, thorough, <br />and conscientious role in the disclosure and review process, including having a complete <br />knowledge of how the covered person's public position or duties might impact the <br />covered person's private interests. Covered persons have an affirmative duty to provide <br />any and all information that a reasonable person would conclude is necessary to carry out <br />the purposes of this Policy and to fully disclose any conflict of interest or potential <br />conflict of interest between the covered person's public and private interests, but the <br />disclosure, review, and evaluation process is not intended to result in the disclosure of <br />unnecessary or irrelevant personal information. <br />Section B. Stateflnent of economic intent; filing required. <br />(a) Every covered person subject to this Policy-~~-eleEt°~po~t°~-or <br />,except for non <br />department head public servants included under Article 1, Section 3(24)a whose annual <br />compensation from the County is less than sixty thousand dollars ($60,000), shall file a <br />statement of economic interest with the Clerk to the Orange Board of Commissioners <br />prior to the covered person's initial appointment, election, or employment and no later <br />than March 15th of every year thereafter, except as otherwise filed under subsection (b) of <br />this Section. The requirement for an annual filing under this subsection also shall apply to <br />covered persons whose terms have expired but who continue to serve until the person's <br />replacement is appointed. Once a statement of economic interest is properly completed <br />and filed under this Policy, the statement of economic interest does not need to be <br />supplemented or refiled prior to the next due date set forth in this subsection. <br />(b) A candidate for an elective office subject to this Policy shall file the statement <br />of economic interest at the same place and in the same manner as the written disclosures <br />are required to be filed under Title VII, Chapter 460, 1987 Session Laws. <br />(c) The Clerk to the Orange Board of Commissioners shall issue forms to be used <br />for the statement of economic interest and shall revise the forms from time to time as <br />necessary to carry out the purposes of this Policy. <br />Section 3. Stateanent of econoflnic interest as public records. <br />The statements of economic interest filed by prospective employees of the County <br />under this Policy are not public records until the prospective employee is appointed or <br />employed by the County. All other statements of economic interest are public records. <br />Section 4. Contents of statement. <br />(a) Any statement of economic interest filed under this Policy shall be on a form <br />prescribed by the County Board of Commissioners and sworn to by the filing .person. <br />Answers must be provided to all questions. The form shall include the following <br />information about the filing person and the filing person's immediate family: <br />(1) The name, home address, occupation, employer, and business of the <br />person. <br />(2) A list of each asset and liability (not amounts) included in this <br />subsection of whatever nature (including legal, equitable, or beneficial <br />interest) with a value of at least ten thousand dollars ($10,000) owned <br />8 <br />