Orange County NC Website
Dec 07 06 10:54a Alice Gordon 919-967-3823 p.3 <br />~8 <br />liabiiities andlor relationships with entities if there is no expectation of that entity <br />doing business with the cauniy? <br />~~ <br />Sec. 3 <br />(a). 3 A list of each source €~f income <br />ft appears as if a I'rsting of stocks and bands would be included; for <br />example. Is that relevant if the entity is not doing business with <br />Orange County? . <br />ARTICLE 3 <br />Sec. 4 -Use. of infarm~tio~ .... <br />The second sentence about improper ose of confidential information is . <br />not as clear as the first sentence about nonpublic information. <br />Therefore change the second sentence as follgws: <br />A public servant shall not use or disclose any confidential information <br />in away that would of€ect a. personal financial interest of the public <br />servant, a member of the public servant's extended farraily, or a person <br />with whom or business with which the public servant is associated. <br />ARTICLE 4 <br />Sec ~. -Violation cansec~uences <br />(ti) For the Board's inforrnatian, please provide a copy of the relevant requirements <br />of Title V11, Chapter 460, 1987 Session Laws. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Ask the County Attorney to revise as appropriate, and forward to the commissi©ners <br />for review. <br /> <br />