Orange County NC Website
U6C U ~ Ub 1 U:S:Sa Alice Gordon y"i y-yti ~-:StS'L:5 p,G <br />CUi1JIN1Et~lT~ C}i'V GOUNTY ETNt'GS PO~IGY DRAFT DOCfJME(tJT <br />Police taordon -December 2f}©fi <br />~l <br />t~1/ERALL Ct~MNIEfWTS <br />The County Attorney has done a good job abridging a large state document to this <br />more concise one. However, it would be helpful if the document could be further <br />tailored to the specifiic Orange County and if it-could be made less <br />complex and even more concise. That would make the document much easier to <br />understand both by the public servants and the general public. <br />ARTICLE t <br />dec. 3 - Definitian~ <br />(1) Board -Add list of county entities to which the definition applies <br />(5} Confidential de€inition -Defined by which law? Please be more specific <br />(16}.Legislator -Should only apply to those who are actually holding office <br />(19} lUanprofit corporation -Shouldn't this apply only to those operating in <br />the c©unty (not the state if not operating in the county)? <br />(24) Public servants <br />(a) Employees (compare A~rticie 2, Sec. 2? <br />(b) Should clarify to eliminate those not actually. holding office <br />and those on advisory boards which are excluded <br />ARTICLE 2 <br />sec,. - stat~i[nent of economic intent; fl_'rnq~uiCed <br />(a) This section exempts public :servants who .earn less that $60,C1t)D which means <br />it exempts some department heads; but department heads should be included <br />according to article 1 Sec. ~ (24) above.. Change so that alt department heads are <br />included. <br />(b) For the B~aard's information, please provide a copy of the relevant requirements <br />afi Title lfll, Chapter ~4C~fl, 198? Session Laws. <br />General camm~nt: The ciocur~ent is a revision of a state document and stilt retains <br />evidence of that origin. 'The: document shau[d be revised. so that it covers what <br />takes place in Orange County, not the entire state andfor what affects county <br />government, notthe.entire state <br />xamoles• <br />Sec. 3 -Statement of economic interest as public records. <br />(a} 2 (a} AH real estate located in the State..,.. <br />(b) Real estate that is currently leased or rented to or from the <br />State... <br />It appears that State should be changed to County in these and <br />subsequent sofa-seclians. <br />~~gra1 ta~cstiQn: tMhat is the reason for a genera! disclosure of assets and <br />