Orange County NC Website
MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />May 27, 2004 <br />Board of Health Minutes Transcription completed by Anne Miles Cassell 3 May 27, 2004 <br /> <br />The Health Department has acted as the lead agency for Healthy Carolinians and as such is <br />forwarding the re-certification application to the Board for review. Approval by the Board is not <br />required for certification. Certification does provide a “competitive” edge in grant applications <br />requiring evidence of community collaboration. <br /> <br />D. Budget Update/Public Hearings <br /> <br />Public hearings on the budget are scheduled for May 27 at Southern Human Services Center, <br />this evening, and for June 3 at the Courthouse in Hillsborough. <br /> <br />Alice White volunteered to attend the June 3 public hearing to speak to the Commissioners <br />about public health issues. <br /> <br />E. Update Animal Services Task Force <br /> <br />Kate Wilder and John Sauls provided the Board with updated information on task force progress <br />and decisions regarding transitioning sheltering services. At this time the County is making <br />steady progress toward taking over operation of sheltering services on July 1, 2004. Animal <br />Control Services will likely not transition until January 2005. <br /> <br />F. Research Project Approval Process Revisions <br /> <br />The staff and Board formulated a research project approval process and checklist in November <br />2001. Recently, several research projects have come to the staff and Board for approval. The <br />PHEADS Committee recently reviewed the approval process and several changes are being <br />proposed. Wayne Sherman explained these changes to the board. <br /> <br />The policy was developed because the health department is approached on a regular basis by <br />various universities who wish to access our patient populations for research studies. While one <br />of the essential services adopted by the Board is to participate in research for new insights and <br />innovative solutions to health problems, there is a need to evaluate appropriateness of <br />participation in various projects and balance that participation with services to patients. <br /> <br />Motion to approve the Research Project Approval Process and Checklist as revised was made by <br />Tim Carey, seconded by Matt Vizithum, and carried without dissent. <br /> <br />VI. Board Comments/Announcements <br /> <br />A. None <br /> <br />VII. Adjournment <br /> <br />Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Kate Wilder, seconded by Lee Werley, and carried <br />without dissent.